Today's Mother Mary Card Is...

Credits: “Mother Mary Oracle” | Author: Alana Fairchild | Artwork: Shiloh Sophia McCloud | Publisher: Blue Angel Publishing

"Our Lady of Sacred Sisterhood"

Mother Mary’s message for you

I will support you in every way you need me to. Everything comes to life via the vitality that I provide. I am the love that fills your heart, so I always have room for you in my arms of compassion. Today, I strongly encourage you to establish a connection with the holy feminine. By doing so, you will discover that you have the ability to cure not just yourself but also everyone with whom you come into touch.


Look out for a new person or someone you already know who is very in touch with their feminine side. You see, they will help you improve both your emotional and your physical health in a complementary manner. During this time, you can count on me to be there for you just as I have always been in the past!

What you need to know

In order to unlock the full potential of your feminine energy, you must first learn how to tap into your feminine essence. Just bear in mind that there is no correlation between gender and the amount of male and female energy we possess inside ourselves.


A growing number of people are searching for ways to tap into the divine feminine energy that permeates all things, as our world has grown more and more male-dominated. You are protected and adored to the furthest extent, so it is okay to be yourself. Do not be frightened to express yourself and to let go of your inhibitions!

Prayer for healing

Visualise a stunning woman by your side. Look at her as you feel her peaceful, feminine power. This figure depicts a real-life person with whom you will have a conversation. Grasp on to the concept that you will soon be able to interact with them and discover all that you can about them.


When you’re fully prepared, say the following, “As much as I cherish my own internal radiance, I honour the fire in others. Please assist me to engage with the holy feminine as I pray that it lives inside me forever via the compassion of Our Lady. Let this happen now and forever!”

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