Today’s Devotional

"My child, embracing change is difficult and uncomfortable but I will be your solicitor to help you through it..."

Let Me Be Your Solicitor.

A solicitor is with you when you are going through a legal process, whether it is writing a will, going through a divorce, or buying property. A solicitor helps you to do everything necessary according to the law and also understand the process better. A solicitor helps you resolve complicated scenarios, find the best solutions, and draw up legal agreements. This knowledgeable advice from a solicitor helps you make the right decisions for you and your loved ones. Whenever you are not sure about a particular matter, with a solicitor, you have an expert on hand to answer it for you.

Precious one, everyone gets to a place where they don’t know the right path to take and they need genuine guidance because all paths have consequences. You are a progressive person, and you have always wanted to do what is needed to create a comfortable life for your loved ones. You may have made decisions that did not bear the right fruits and you cannot let go of this particular mistake. My child, if you did not have the right solicitor at the time, then learn to forgive yourself and do what you can at this time.

I do not expect that you will know everything, I have seen the desire of your heart to do the right things. My child, let me be your solicitor, for my intentions towards you are genuine. With my wisdom, I will keep you from pitfalls. When you dwell in my shelter, you will be filled with abundant understanding and the decisions you make will be God-led. Put your trust in me, and let me carry your anxieties and worrisome situations. Though they may seem complicated to you, I will make a way through them. Take heart in the knowledge that your solicitor is and will always be there to answer all the questions that deny you peace.

Allow Change In Your Life.

Laws change so frequently and without the insights of a solicitor who is always up to date with all these changes, you may end up with an agreement that falls short of the requirements of the law. Change is a mandatory part of life and any solicitor can attest to it and its importance. Solicitors with good reputations will always be well informed and they understand the impact of change, and if there are any consequences to them.

My beloved child, I being your solicitor, can tell you why you should always embrace change positively. Though some of you may resist because they are uncomfortable, the truth is that changes end up resulting in progress in your life. You may have stuck in your past because it was so good, but I want you to open your mind to the future I have set before you.  I have granted you vision, because, without it, you may find yourself stagnating. Like a solicitor, know that everything is temporary, but even then, do not let that give you fear, rather believe that the plans I have for you will always be for good.

Do not lose hope, my child. Though change can outwardly make you feel hurt and inconvenienced, it will be rewarding to you inwardly. For your light and momentary troubles and drawing you closer to me and that far outweighs any other thing. Fix your eyes not on what is seen since it is temporary, but on what is unseen since it is everlasting.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

(Hebrews 13:5-6)

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