Today’s Devotional

"Walk in my light and you shall prosper..."

Rely on me

Rely on me at all times. In the face of adversities rely on my strength, assurance, and power to light your path and grant you victory against your adversities. Child, due to the failure of acknowledging me in your life, darkness has overcrowded every aspect of your life. I feel the pain you experience from the suffering that you are going through. I see your desire to be free and at peace. You are in agony and distress because you feel helpless. When you fail to embrace my light in your life and live and survive on your own understanding, you will be embracing darkness and that is not my joy. Living without my power will have many important things in your life go dark, come to a stand-still, and eventually fail.

Beloved one, your marriage is crumbling down and there is nothing you can do. You have tried everything to revive the joy, happiness, and life of it but you are yet to figure it out. The idea of divorcing and breaking up the family heavily stresses your mind. Child, why subject yourself to such suffering? Do you not know that I can make things right for you? Rely on me and not on your own strength and power. Relying on me involves accepting me into your life and walking in my presence. Accept you cannot do anything on your own and bring your situation to me.

Dear one, walk with me and I will make all things right for you. If your marriage is failing, let it go, I the Lord knows what you need and its failure serves my will. You may not understand it but trust my reasons. Embrace me in your life to power you with strength, confidence, blessings, favor, grace, and happiness. Leave all that overwhelms you to me. Rest assured that the struggle and failures you encounter serve my purpose and are meant to deliver you to greatness. You are the child of the light and darkness is not your portion.

My power is sufficient for all

My child, the world will expose you to many challenges and temptations. In the face of temptations and trials, I will protect and sustain you by my power. Accept me and you will emerge victorious by my power. You are a conqueror, the temptations and troubles have no power over you

Beloved, in those times you feel discouraged by the circumstances in your life you may rely on my power to charge you with the strength, courage, and hope to overcome. Have faith in my power and what I can do and cast your burdens and anxieties on me. Do not lean on your own power, it shall not sustain you. Fear not and embrace the challenges in your life for my power is made perfect in your times of weakness. My power shall sustain you at all times and make you victorious. You may feel that you are not worthy to be in my presence and experience my power because of your sins, but I tell you, you are worthy. Accept me into your life by confessing and repenting your sins to receive my gift of salvation and eternal life. You are my child and my power and love are bestowed upon you at all times despite your shortcomings.

Beloved, pray that I may grace you with my power to sustain you in the storms. That I may teach you to rely on me and not on your own understanding.

Reflect On These Words Today:

“But I say, walk by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.”

(Galatians 5:16)

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