Today’s Devotional

"For My Eyes Are In Every Place, Watching What Is Good And Evil..."

Like An Online University College, Work On Your Salvation.

Contrary to belief, doing a course at an online university requires just as much work as a physical class. The amount of time you commit to studying is just about the same. The difference is that an online university offers more flexibility. No one will tell you to attend the classes or ever follow up with lecturers, but the results of your actions will be reflected by your performance. As long as you communicate and meet your deadlines with your instructors, you will be able to complete your online university college course smoothly.

My child, although I am loving, kind, and forgiving, I still hold you accountable for your actions. You may feel that now that you are in me you can get away with wrong deeds because I am full of grace. However, it is important that you do your part and live faithfully. Like an online university college course that you are studying to complete, set your eyes on the end goal of our relationship.

Let your wisdom begin by fearing the Lord. Beloved child, I do not want you to fear being doomed or tormented, or feel a hopeless dread of judgment. I would want you to love me from the bottom of your heart. When you are joining an online university college, you do so willingly, to do a course you want, the same case, when you work on your salvation, let it be out of willingness. When you walk with me, I will continually help you to stand strong. There is joy in living a righteous life, when you look up to me, you will be radiant and your face will never be ashamed. Taste and see that I am good, and take refuge in me.

Let's Communicate, As You Would On An Online University College.

When you are attending an online university college, you will have to communicate with professors, and classmates and also collaborate through different social platforms. As you further continue with an online university college, you will be better at speaking out your ideas and making strong arguments. This is a necessary skill that you will use in the workplace. Online university college helps you to be more thoughtful and respectful, it puts you in a better place to interact with others and understand their thinking.

Precious one, communication can help solve a lot of misinformation. You may have concluded things to yourself that are totally not true. You may feel like I am unfair or even go ahead to achieve something in your life, that is far away from my will. Instead of grumbling and complaining when you feel like I have let you down, I would rather you speak to me about the matter. Come and let us reason together, tell me your thoughts and I will give you understanding. Do not be weighed down in your spirit, yet I am always by your side.

 Attending an online university college class is more of a necessity, and so is speaking to me. I know your every thought and intention., and I desire that our communication is real, truthful, and authentic. By talking to me, you are reminded that no matter what is going on in your life, no matter how difficult, there is someone who is always handling things with you. Find comfort to know you are not alone, do not shy away from asking from your father. Tell me your ideas, I’d like to listen to your desires, and I will answer each according to my mercies.

Reflect on These Words Today:

“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.”

(Psalms 145:18)

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