Today’s Devotional
"Have the fear of the Lord. Be obedient to my commands. Be loyal to me at all times. There are great rewards for those that are faithful to me..."
Be faithful to me always.
My child, I understand that it might be normal for you to doubt and not easily trust because of painful experiences that you have been through for trusting others. You live in a broken society where people do not value promises. The world is full of untrustworthy and unfaithful people that have made you lose all hope in promises.
My child, unlike the people of the world, I am a faithful God. I fulfill my promises to those that are faithful to me. I know it might be difficult for you to believe in my promises as you have developed a mindset of cynicism from your experiences with others. For instance, a friend may have betrayed your trust by involving herself with your husband resulting in marital problems and an end to a friendship. Double betrayal from your friend and husband has dented your ability to trust.
Child, fear not and have faith in me, for I am no man. I value your trust and faith in me as I honor our relationship. I am loyal to my promises as I shall fulfill all you desire in my own timing. Be loyal and faithful to
me as I am to you. Cast your fears of betrayal aside, open your heart to me and embrace me. Embrace me by having faith in me and my promises to you. Once you embrace me in your life and allow me to work in you and for you, your heart will be glad and at ease. You shall receive an unimaginable great feeling of peace and assurance upon accepting me.
Be loyal and faithful to me by living according to my commands and teachings. Live righteously and refrain from worldly pleasures. Seek my righteousness and serve me diligently. Spread my gospel and share your faith with others so they may also believe in me. Serve others in humility, love, and kindness. For your faithfulness, you are blessed. I shall repay and reward you greatly. You shall have victory against the life battles and temptations. My spirit and power shall sustain you and give you the strength and courage to resist the enemy. You shall be bestowed with my divine protection and guidance. My wisdom will be sufficiently available to you and it shall guide you in making the right decisions by helping you to discern what is right and wrong.
Beloved, I know that life challenges may be too much to handle and might compel you into losing hope in my promises but have faith that I do not subject you to anything that is not in your ability to handle. I am also aware that it is easy for you to sin but worry not for I shall give you the power to overcome temptations and evil. Through your faith in me, nothing shall have power against you.
Pray that I may sustain your loyalty in me always. That I may remind you of my constant presence and endless faithfulness.
Reflect On These Words Today:
“Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.”
(Proverbs 3:3)
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and for throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”
(2 Chronicles 16:9)