Today’s Devotional

"I Will Remember Your Sins No More, And I Will Be Merciful Towards Your Iniquities..."

Like Car Insurance, I Will Take Care Of Your Faults.

Car insurance is required so that you can take responsibility for any damage you cause. Car insurance provides relief for the victims of damages you may cause in case you are in an accident since your vehicle has the potential of causing material or physical harm. To legally drive a car, you need to have insurance, lack of this can make you go to jail or have a suspended license. Car insurance is considered a necessary sound investment. My child, you being a human being, you are inclined to fall sometimes.  With this in knowledge, I intend to serve you as car insurance does. You being in me, there are times you have still fallen. I do not want you to stay in the same position and wallow in the guilt of your sin. My love for you is so big, and even before you were here, my son died for you for the atonement of your sins. Like car insurance, I will cover your iniquities and remove them from a place where you can get any accusation. When you sin and cause some damage, be keen to repent and ask for forgiveness, and then, I will remember your diligence and forgive you. My child, let this make you extend the same hand to others. Just as I have forgiven you, forgive others. Show less judgment and more love, and let this be a testimony that every man has hope as long as they live. That they can repent and return back to their father with no blame. Car insurance clears all the damage bills, and you are able to move on, in the say way, keep no record of the wrongs done to you. Extend chances and grace to my children.

There Is Reward In Staying Faithful.

When you have car insurance, you have to make payments dutifully to keep it active. Because of competition in the car insurance industry, each company tries to offer a policy that is of value. Some car insurance companies offer cashback if you haven’t made claims over a certain period of time while others use apps that can track your driving behavior and will later reward you with premium discounts. Paying insurance may seem costly, but when you consider the alternative of having to pay damages out of your own pocket, you are inclined to look for the best deal that will suit your pocket and make sure that at the very least, you have the basics covered. My child, when good behavior is noticed, a reward has to follow. It is not easy to walk straight in a world that continually tries to show you that you are missing out.  With all the temptations you have faced and potential traps to make you fall, you have been continually faithful to me. I see your commitment to doing the things that please me and obeying my word. Though You may not be anticipating it, none of your work will go in vain. You have inclined your ear to me and have chosen to be disciplined and for this, like car insurance, I will shower blessings upon your life. Beloved, for you to have the strength to soldier on, I will show you never-ending favor. Just as a car insurance company wants their client to stick by them, I will open doors of opportunity. Let your faith grow even as you move forward, staying humble in spirit and awaiting my eternal gift. When you stumble, be quick to rise up and continue, seek me in this matter and I will make you white as snow, I am always with you.

Reflect on These Words Today:

“So that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God”

(Colossians 1:10)

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