Today’s Devotional

"Beloved, I have given you a spirit of self-control; You are no longer a slave to your addictive bad ways..."

Do Not Run Away From Taking Risks.

People who engage in online gambling are risk-takers who also enjoy the rush of adventure they get when gambling. The uncertainty they experience on whether they will win or lose when they gamble online has no substitute. Online gambling gives the feel of the ambience of the gambling environment and it can get you a real feel of the games that you are about to play, which raises your adrenaline level. Online casinos give attractive bonuses and this also encourages people to deposit more money to stand a chance of getting bigger wins.

My child, worrying and being afraid doesn’t change anything, it will only stop you from getting what you were destined for. You have many dreams and visions for your life, which I have placed for my purposes. You may feel unable to start and try because you just don’t want to fail. One of the most painful things I don’t want you to experience is living with regrets. I have given you leeway to take chances and see where my glory is. Like an online gambler, choose to take risks. Precious one, can you add a single hour to your life by worrying? If not, I want you to live life having complete courage that I will be with you in everything you do.

My child, when you spend time with me, my love will take away all the fear and uncertainties you are experiencing. You will be absolutely sure that I am leading you to do something, and you should always keep your eyes on me. Like an online gambler, do not trust in your strength because it is I, your father who saves you. When you engage in online gambling, you put all your money in the line, would you say you would do the same for the love you have for me? Taking your time to be alone with me, will increase your love and you will have lesser trouble living fearlessly.  Follow me, and I will teach the ways of life.

Run To Me At All Times.

When an individual begins indulging in online gambling, they may do so for various reasons. They may have issues they are trying to run away from, maybe they want quick cash, or they need a pastime. Online gambling uses this need by people to tempt the gamblers to keep coming back for more. They mostly use incentives and promotions to entice the gamblers. The odds can also be lowered to increase the chances of the gambler winning until they are completely hooked. Online gambling gives you that confidence because of the thrill of winning and once you get into it, you won’t want to stop.

Beloved child, you will meet many enticing things in the world, such that if you don’t know where you stand, you may end up falling for anything. Like an online gambler, you have to know when to stop and detect the disadvantages you are experiencing.  Problems will always be there once in a while, but how you handle them is most important. Hide in me when you face your mountains because in me there is wisdom and understanding. My ways are straight and I will not lead you to destruction.

I will cover you with my feathers and shelter you with my wings.  I seek not to lure you into anything, but rather to give you my faithful promises, which will be your armor and protection. Seek me during all your storms, because I will take you through them in the right way. You are the apple of my eye and I will hide you in the shadow of my wings.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Brothers, even if a man is caught in some fault, you who are spiritual must restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; looking to yourself so that you also aren’t tempted.  Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”

(Galatians 6: 1-2)

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