Today's Mother Mary Card Is...

Credits: “Mother Mary Oracle” | Author: Alana Fairchild | Artwork: Shiloh Sophia McCloud | Publisher: Blue Angel Publishing

"Our Lady of the Sacred Son"

Mother Mary’s message for you

Because you my beloved one, my most treasured son lives inside your heart. Through my grace, Christ within all who are prepared to accept him. I beseech you at this moment to acknowledge that you are a sanctified spark of love. My child, you are at the point where you are prepared for the magnificent awakening of the pure masculine energy that is within you. This moment is perfect for your divine enlightenment and birth to take place.


I want you to experience happiness when you accept the gifts that I have for you. Get to know my son just as well as you know me. Be as kind to him as you are to me. Take the same care with him that you do with me. Each and every one of us is an integral component of the same all-loving almighty entity. Have trust that no matter where you are, you will always be blessed and cared for by those who love you.

What you need to know

In the lives of all people, regardless of their religious beliefs, the all-powerful Christ manifests as boundless love and fervent dedication to holy power. This is true no matter your sex.  Your greater power, in whatever manifestation you understand it to take, is the unadulterated light of the divine.


If you are serving compassion, divine knowledge and strength you will always feel powerful. Our Lady of the Sacred Son conveys to us the importance of us all coming closer to Christ. Through Him, or the sacred masculine energy if you prefer, you will achieve so much. Have faith that the strength you need is coming to you!

Prayer for healing

Restoring our connection to the holy masculine gives us the self-assurance to lead our own lives and the fortitude to respect our individuality by making decisions that are in line with what we believe to be true. It tells us that the holy gift of ourselves ought to be used in the most sincere and genuine manner possible.


The following prayer can assist you with this, “I call upon Our Lady of the Sacred Son and the Christ, who unconditionally love me. I humbly plead for recovery, aid, guidance and refuge. I am so thankful to be given this opportunity to connect with you!

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