Today's Mother Mary Card Is...

Credits: “Mother Mary Oracle” | Author: Alana Fairchild | Artwork: Shiloh Sophia McCloud | Publisher: Blue Angel Publishing

"Our Lady of Peaceful Change"

Mother Mary’s message for you

My child, I have a wonderful future in store for you. It is my promise to you that I will provide you a deep sense of well-being, wealth, joy and happiness. It is time to sever connections that no longer serve you. It’s as if all of the obstacles, challenges and oppression that appeared to be a part of your existence for so long has vanished.


In other words, disagreement will no longer define you. Now that the loaf of sorrow has been taken from your plate, the riches of heaven’s fullness have come to you to remedy whatever emptiness you may be feeling. You can now expect beautiful, calm improvements in the near future!

What you need to know

We should all be constantly learning and expanding our horizons as we go about our everyday routines. There are times when we need help adapting to a new situation and most of the time that help comes from natural processes like growth.


You may be going through a difficult or stressful time in your life right now. If so, tackle this challenge head-on with no fear. Because you are a beloved child of the Most Holy Mother, she will do all in her power to assist you in any way she can. In any situation, she will be with you to save you from feeling isolated.

Prayer for healing

Imagine yourself bathed in light as you feel  the warmth of Mother Mary’s embrace.  It’s okay to savour that moment as long as you like. Then when you are ready, say the following prayer aloud:


“Our Lady of Peaceful Change, embracing your unconditional kindness and safety is all I can think about right now, since I’m aware of your presence here with me. Throughout our time together, I have always had total confidence in your abilities. For the rest of my life, I’m confident that you will inspire me to make important changes in my life.”

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