Today’s Devotional

"My child, grow in me as I shall grow in you. Accept the word of God as it shall water and nurture your growth in me. You shall receive great rewards from seeking and serving the kingdom of God..."

You are my garden as I am yours.

Just as you plant a seed in your garden for growth, my child, my word is the seed that you should plant in your heart and soul to grow in me. Grow in me by seeking me and serving me and my kingdom. Just as you supply labor in your gardens, strive to serve me as well so I may grow in you. Give everything to me and it shall grow. Plant the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit in you so that you may live a righteous life that pleases me. Live a life that honors me and glorifies me. By pleasing me you shall grow in me and I shall grow in you. Honor me and live according to my commandments and teachings.

Accept me as your gardener through my son Jesus Christ

My child, accept me by accepting my son Jesus Christ.  Once you give your life to Jesus, you shall receive light and a new beginning. In your new life, Jesus will water and nurture your growth. He will plant great values in you that will bear fruits which will result in a righteous life. He shall get you out of the darkness (old life) and bring you into the light (new life).  You shall experience growth and bear great fruits with me as your gardener through him. Accept me as your gardener and I shall shape you into my design.

Be other people’s gardener.

Dear one, be other people’s gardener by planting my word in them so that they may grow in me. Bring them into my light and help them experience a new life in Christ. Water their growth by encouraging and teaching them the importance of prayers. Serve me by teaching people my word and bringing them into my kingdom

Use prayers and the word of God to maximize your growth.

To nurture and maximize growth of plants in a garden, organic manure, fertilizers and chemicals are used for enhancement. My child, if you want to grow and enhance your spirituality, prayers and the scriptures are the catalysts to ensure that is possible. Bring everything in your life to me through prayer, repent and seek my forgiveness to nurture your soul. All aspects in your life shall experience growth in your life through prayers. Incorporate and plant the scriptures into your life and you shall grow in me and live a happy and fulfilled life.

You shall receive great harvest from growing in me and serving my kingdom.

Just like you receive a great harvest from your garden after planting and nurturing growth of the crops, choosing to grow in me and following my word and commandments shall bear great harvest as well. Once you accept me I shall bring growth to you. Accept me and you shall live a righteous life which shall bear great fruits in your life. You shall experience and receive my grace and power in you. I shall fulfill all my promises for I am a faithful God. You shall receive the gift of eternal life and I shall have a place for you in my kingdom.

Reflect on These Words Today:

“Abide in me, and I shall abide in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.”

(John 15:4)

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