Today’s Devotional

"Dear privileged one, through your faith in Jesus Christ, you have surety of God’s glory and undying love..."

I am your comfort and surety

My child, in times of storms, I will be your comfort. Have faith in me and I assure and guarantee that victory shall be yours. In those times you feel like giving up or losing hope, always remember that I am always here for you even when you lack surety. Seek comfort in me and everything that burdens you shall fade away.


I give you surety that the storms and trials have no power over you and you shall conquer them through your faith in me. I will be your guide, courage and strength through it all. I will give you peace. Dear one, I guarantee you that there is no storm or problem greater than you. I give you surety that every storm you shall encounter is temporary and is meant to strengthen your faith in me. Seek refuge and comfort in me. I shall come to your rescue and fight all your battles for you.

In me, there is surety of an eternal life through Christ Jesus

Dear one, you have surety and the guarantee of an eternal life through my son Jesus. Jesus, in the mortal self, gave up His life so that you may be right with me. Jesus sacrificed his life for the sake of renewing the covenant between man and God. He died to wash and take your sins away. He died to reconcile you with me. He gave up his life to offer your surety of an eternal life. 


For you to receive the gift of an eternal life, you need to confess and repent of your transgressions, accept Jesus Christ and be cleansed and washed in His blood. That way you have an assurance of eternal life. Believe and have faith that Jesus died and paid the debt for you. He carried the wages of your sins upon Himself so that you may be set free. You are debt-free. You are saved.

Honor God, His word, His commandments and the covenant between you and God to receive His surety in everything

My child, live in my light and righteousness and you shall receive life in abundance. I give you surety of an eternal life if you live in accordance with my will and commandments. I will walk you through all the life burdens and storms. I will be your shelter in times of storms. 


I give you surety of a happy joyous life on earth as well as in heaven. Live in accordance to how I have commanded and the Kingdom of God shall belong to you. I give you surety that if you live accordingly I will carry burdens, fight evil and those battles for you. By living in my accordance, you honor the covenant that exists between us.

Have faith and trust in me as your surety

My child, believe and trust that I will carry all that burdens your heart. Have the surety in me that I will always be there to fight your battles, fight all the evil for you and set you free from the burden of evil and sin. I am always here watching over you. I guarantee you that I never leave your side so never lose hope and faith in me.

Have the character of Jesus and be each other’s surety

Chosen one, be the surety of your brothers and sisters. Burden yourself with their lives by bringing and reconciling them to me so that they may also receive eternal life. Carry their sins and bring them to me through prayers so that they may be forgiven.  Assure them of a good life in me by testifying of what I have done for you. Make it your responsibility to bring them to Christ so that they may receive salvation and redemption. Have the character of Jesus and reconcile your lost brothers and sisters to God and I shall reward you greatly.

Reflect On These Words Today

By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament.

(Hebrews 7:22)

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