Today’s Devotional

"You Are Deceiving Yourself If You Say You Do Not Sin, You’re Not Being Truthful To Yourself..."

Keep Your Mind On Me.

You may be struggling with lustful thoughts and other sinful thoughts. You may be asking yourself, what is triggering these thoughts?  You know you have to guard your heart and mind against evil, you may be trying to stop those bad thoughts but it’s proving to be quite difficult. What have you been taking in? Are you listening to bad music, watching bad shows, or reading books that are leading you astray? In the world today, there are so many platforms that may be exposing you on social media and you have to really be intentional about it, because I want you to keep your mind clean and fight for that.  You may be having sinful thoughts popping up, could be lust, or having evil thoughts towards someone, and it is easy to find yourself dwelling on it. Can you say you have forgiven those who have wronged you? Is your mind kept on me? It may have become habitual for you to think about these things, and even if you know it’s wrong, you just can’t fight it. The enemy lies to you that it is okay as long as you don’t act on it, but the beginning of sin is conceiving it. Keep my word on you and act it, to always counter the negative that may try to attack you.  In this world, there is sensuality everywhere, so you must guard your eyes and flee from sin.

My child, daily I am convicting you of your sin, do not harden your heart. Do not grieve my heart by doing what I hate. I know how it is when those thoughts keep attacking you and start wondering if at all you are saved. In me there is hope, and for you I have paid the whole price. Allow me to make you better and to renew your mind, by putting your trust in me. Let me help you, hand to me these ungodly thoughts, let me strengthen you because you will fall without me. Run to me in prayer and rely on me. It doesn’t matter for how long you have struggled, run to me daily whenever you feel attacked. Fix your thoughts on what is honorable, true, pure, right, admirable and lovely. Think about things that are worthy of praise and excellent. When you stay put on me, my spirit will help you in times of weakness, because you may not know how to pray for what you need. Allow me to walk with you so that you may not gratify the desires of your flesh. 

 Beloved continue praying so that you may not enter into temptation, sometimes when you follow me, your flesh may be weak and fail you. I will give you my peace, which will go beyond anything you can imagine, and I will guard your emotions and thoughts whenever you ask of me. Fix your mind on me, and let it not be shifting, and such things will not be a trouble to you and they will not make you stumble. Return to me, and let me have compassion on you, because I will abundantly pardon you. As you grow in me, put off your old self, which is corrupt through deceitful desires, and allow me to renew your mind by creating you after my own likeness.

Reflect On These Words Today:

“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”

(Proverbs 28:13)

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