Today’s Devotional
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you..."
Trust in my divine providence.
My child, embrace my sovereignty so that you may learn and find true contentment. You may feel that life is messy and does not make sense, and lack the understanding of why certain situations are happening to you. You are anxious and scared of what the future holds because of the uncertain and unpredictable nature of life. You are depressed for your inability to help yourself out of the challenges that burden and depress your mind, soul, and your entire being.
My child, despair not for everything that is happening in your life is to serve my purpose and will. Trust me for the circumstances that you encounter do not catch me by surprise for I am in control of your life. For instance, you may be in pain and agony because of a heartbreak incident from a relationship that looked promising. You feel depressed about your loss and wonder why it happened. In your afflictions you question and doubt me, “Does God truly exist? And if He is as good as He says He is, why does he let these painful traumatizing events happen in my life?”
My child, have faith in my promises to you for I am a faithful God. Submit your needs to me and I shall fulfill all that your heart desires. You may be suffering and have no understanding of the situation in your life but believe that I am preparing you for better and bigger things. In the face of tough life situations, always find peace and comfort knowing that my plans of greatness are working in you. Lean not on your own understanding and strength as that cannot sustain you in your troubles and will result in self-destruction. Find satisfaction in my promises to you for my plans for you are not for failure but of prosperity and life. I am always by your side to help, guide, heal, comfort, and protect you from falling on your journey to success and eternal life.
Beloved, my grace, and power are sufficient to you at all times. Seek me and pray that I may give you patience so that you may wait on my promises. Do not be despaired for you are never alone in your adversities.
Always be grateful
In those times life is comfortable, joyous, and going as you want it to, you feel appreciative, happy, and grateful. However, in those times you are going through tough life situations, you find it hard to remain grateful.
My child, always be thankful and grateful to me in all seasons. In your difficulties, do not lose hope in me, and trust that everything in your life is working in the fulfillment of my plans for you. Your suffering and difficulties are not in vain for I have a purpose for you. In those difficult times, find gratitude in counting my blessings to you one by one and from the miracles I have performed in your life.
Beloved, rejoice in me at all times. Seek me and pray persistently at all times. Be thankful and grateful to me at all times, in the good and in the bad.
Reflect On These Words Today:
“Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more than they are?”
(Matthew 6:26)
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
(Philippians 4:6)