Today’s Devotional

"Whoever believes and has faith in me shall be restored. That’s my assurance..."

Have my assurance that your future is secured.

My child, I see how overwhelmed and anxious the problems of the world have made you. Your heart is troubled and your soul is screaming. The sins of the world have exposed your soul to darkness and you cry out to me for salvation. You plead that I may free you from the guilt of your sins. Out of depth, you cry that I may free you from your troubles and redeem you from the darkness.

I see how you struggle with trusting in promises as people have betrayed you and broken the promises they make to you. For instance, at your workplace, your boss may have promised to give you a promotion for your hard work but it has been years since and he is yet to promote you. A person you loved and cared about may have promised you that they will always be with you and never break your heart but they eventually betray you and leave you broken. This results in disappointment and having no faith in promises. 

My child, fear not for unlike the mortal world that has many unfulfilled promises, I shall fulfill all my promises to you for I am no man. I am a faithful God for I never fail and I assure you that you can rest in my arms in times of difficulties. It may seem like I have abandoned you in times of adversities but I am always present. I may appear silent but I am watching and listening to your persistent prayer. Lean on me and I assure you that I shall grant you the strength and courage to overcome all that burdens you. I will bestow upon you hope and renew your strength to keep you going. My grace and power are sufficient to you at all times. My victory and glory will shine on you in your tribulations. My word and spirit will sustain you and fight those battles for you. I will deliver you to greatness as every trouble, challenge, and trial in your life serves my purpose for my plans for you are those of prosperity and not failure. Fear not in the face of tribulations for my power, grace, and strength are made perfect in your weakness, you are not alone.    

Beloved, I assure you that the enemy has no power over you. Your battle against the enemy was won a long time ago, you are free. Darkness and evil have no power over you as your debt was paid on the cross.  The enemy will guilt-trip you so you may lose hope and faith in my gift of salvation. Accept me and you shall receive the joy and the peace of my redemption and salvation. In my abounding love and mercy, I gave up my son to suffering and death so that you may be free from the bondage of sin.  Embrace my salvation by confessing and repenting your sins and I assure you of eternal life.

Reflect On These Words Today:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

(Philippians 4:6-7)

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”

(James 1:12)

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