Today’s Devotional

"I Have Given You Another Helper Who Will Be With You Forever..."

Take Me As Your Solicitor

A solicitor is available to guide you whenever you require advice. Through years of training, a solicitor has a wealth of experience. Solicitors give you legal advice, which is more than getting the right paperwork in place, it is about protecting both you and your family, which is the most important reason for having a solicitor. A solicitor can also represent you in court, or hand in the issue to a barrister when it comes to court cases.


My child, often you are faced with decisions about relationships, children, use of time, possessions, and so on. In all these cases, it is of the utmost importance to make the right decisions. For example, when you are choosing your marriage partner.  You may constantly fear making the wrong move in such an important aspect of your life.  Even though you have allowed me as your solicitor, you still wonder whether my plans will be good, but the truth is, you need not fear, I love you and I want the very best for you. My will for you is pleasing, good, and perfect.

 Like a good solicitor, I will not let you be alone while making any serious decisions, I will guide you for all the days that you walk with me. I get concerned when I see the mess people get themselves into when they don’t know which plans I have for them. Whenever you get stuck, ask me for counsel as you would a solicitor, I will instruct you and show you the way you should go. It is disheartening when you carry out a plan that is not mine, which later takes your life down the wrong road. precious one I long for you to discover my will and live purposefully.

Go Through The Right And Simpler Path.

Solicitors help to simplify things. Legal processes can be very hard and complicated if you do not understand the terminologies that are used, or when you don’t fully understand what you are obligated to do. Going through legal processes without proper understanding can hold things up or leave you at risk in the future. Having a solicitor who is experienced is so necessary because they can guide you through and will ensure that there are no mistakes, and the whole process is much easier, faster, and smooth.


My child, without my guidance, you may think you are making the right decisions. You may live a lifestyle that is very far from mine and spend a lot of years being unproductive spiritually. In the world, most things, even sin, seem to be so ordinary. There are very few people living up to my will because most don’t have time to seek understanding. You may be comfortable once you have your basic needs and you do not want to stretch yourself to do anything further, but every action has consequences, even if the consequences don’t follow immediately. 

Precious one, make me your solicitor and seek me while I can still be found.  There is no need for you to waste so many years, yet there is so much work to be done to expand the kingdom. There is joy in salvation, follow me early, and live a life that has good counsel. I will be a lamp to your feet, and as a good solicitor, I will remove any legal accusations against you. I will give you an understanding of things and will open your mind to see the intensity of all matters. The joy of life is to serve dutifully and to finally rest without regrets.

Reflect on These Words Today:

“My soul waits for the Lord, more than the watchmen for the morning; Indeed, more than the watchmen for the morning.”

(Psalms 130:6)

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