Today’s Devotional

"Truly, God Will Always Listen to You And Attend To The Voice Of Your Prayer..."

Get on a Conference Call With Me And I Will Always Answer You.

Conference calls came to save the day and make communication very possible. Now you do not have to be physically present to speak to someone or to see them. Conference calls have allowed people to attend important meetings from wherever they are and this also saves the cost of traveling. Whenever you are on a conference call, you have to attend the meeting punctually because it is always scheduled at a fixed time.


My child, intend on having a conference call with me. You have always sought counsel from people, you have asked people to pray for you yet you forget that you have access to me in the same measure. My child, I am not located at a specific place, rather I am everywhere and you can speak to me from wherever you are. You have been keeping away from me, but for us to have good communication, you have to take your time to speak to me. How else will I know your heart’s desires if you do not speak them out?

Precious child, our communication will save you a lot of worries. In me, you will have assurance, and you will not feel alone. Like a conference call, speaking to me has no cost. You do not have to worry about what you bring, all I seek is a heart that has pure intentions. My child, know that though you may not see me, I am very present. May your faith grow in abundance, that you may continue trusting me.

Conference Calls Can Have Technical Issues.

A conference call is effective, however, it can have some technical problems in case there is a poor connection. When having a conference call, you may fail to hear the audio or have a clear visual of the people.  The best way to have a successful conference call is by preparing yourself earlier and making sure you have stable internet.  The technical issues can make the whole communication not be passed properly. An important part is to make sure all the issues are sorted and checked to be working before starting the conference call.


My child, our relationship is very similar to having a conference call. We have to have a good connection every time for it to bear fruit as planned. My child, you have been thinking I do not listen to your prayers. You have been getting skeptical that I will be able to answer at all.  My child, the barrier that may stand between us is the lack of faith and trust in me. If you do not trust me, it is hard for you to access anything else from me, because your faith is what will move these mountains. I know you desire that we listen to each other, that you get my insights, and that you feel guided.  My precious one, you have sought me, I know this, and I too will ensure you feel my presence more.

My child, my eyes are always on you and my ears are open to your prayers. Whatever you have been asking for, you will receive, just do not lose hope or give up. I will satisfy your every need and I will be your friend, for that has always been my greatest joy. My child, worry for nothing, let my peace cover you. Do not question my love or presence because I will be with you all the days of your life.

Reflect on These Words Today

“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him, he also hears their cry and saves them”. 

(Psalm 145:18-19)

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