Today’s Devotional

"My Child, If You Give All Your Possessions And You Do Not Give Love, You Gain Nothing..."

Teach Others The Way To Go.

When you donate, the impact you have created positively affects your young ones. Young people, like your children, get to see the importance of caring for each other. You work on donating when you tell your young ones that not everyone has enough and that it is their call to offer support. Donating has helped you and those around you to be more appreciative and to prosper in life. It is best to give and to not always be receiving. When your children see you donating, they will adopt this giving mindset even as they grow up.


My child, you have had your share of ups and downs in your life, you know how bad it has gotten at some point. You have had people donate to you and you would want to return the favor to those you meet. My precious child, though you may think I was absent during those moments, I made sure I supplied your every need even if it was sometimes not enough. The donations you got my precious child, were to show you that others need you too, and you have to teach the rest.

You have a responsibility of teaching your children and your family on donating. You are my messenger, and I have given you the mandate to teach what is good. Haven’t I donated towards you in your moments of need?  Honor me with your wealth and with your children. I am a father too, to those who are lacking. I desire that you show my goodness where you go. Donate from your first fruits, because I will make sure your stores never run dry.

I Will Be Your Help Whenever You Need Me

Donating can change lives, it can make people see God through you. When you donate, someone sees the goodness that is still in the world. Those who are being donated to may also be trying so hard to make ends meet, but things are just not working out. Donating does not mean you are superior to anyone, rather it is an emphasis of unity of you as my children. Donating is not just about money my child, but offering yourself to the service of others is a great expression of love.


My child, you have called on me many times to hear you. You have requested me to donate to you from my riches. My precious one, never will you ask me for bread and I will give you a stone. I have seen your heart and your dependence on me, and I will donate generously to supply your every need. You have always had a desire to donate, it’s only that you never had enough. I will enrich you in every way, my child so that you can now donate on every occasion necessary, and through this work, you will give me thanks.

My child, seek me whenever you are stuck, call on me and I will satisfy your desires. You donate with your generous heart; will I not refresh you when you need my help? I will let down my showers of blessings on you my child so that your spirit never gets tired of donating. Whenever you need anything tell me, even those things that are too great for your imagination, for everything belongs to me.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you”.

( Luke 6:38)

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