Today’s Devotional

"In The End, You Will Be Wise If You Listen To Advice And Receive Instruction..."

Be Careful How You Spend

Being careful how you spend seems to be the simplest rule when spending your finances. It is very easy in a consumer-driven society to live way beyond your means.  The best thing to do is to try and save some amount of money. When someone finds it easy to overspend their finances, paying for things like groceries and clothes with cash instead of a credit card is advised. Cards make it easier to spend your finances because you have no physical connection to your finances. You can make better choices about your finances by using a fixed amount every month. Finances are a vital part of everyone’s life, and the choices you make reflect back to you even later. It is best to avoid the temptations of mishandling your finances.

My child, it is easy to overspend something you do not have a connection to because you do not feel the pinch. You may misuse your time here on earth by engaging in things that are completely unhelpful. I sent you here for a purpose, do you perceive it? Have you tried to seek me about this? Like finances, mishandling your time and the gifts I have given you will show its results at the end, and instead of living a life of regret ask for help where you are stuck.

I have given you the ability to change and touch lives, I would be pleased if you lived your life strategically. My dear one, like finances, let there be a connection between me and you, that way you will know how I feel about things. When you understand this, you will avoid what displeases me and do what is right. I will be like a financial advisor, who shows you which loopholes to avoid and what to engage in.

Do What Will Work For You.

In finances, not all strategies will work the same for everyone. For example, you may think to open a joint account with your partner, because it worked for another couple, but instead, it leads to a lot of conflict and arguments, because your spending habits are different. With finances, you have to figure out what works for you by yourself, and if it’s a comfortable plan, it will work well for years. Even when you are saving up your finances, you have to find a plan that is comfortable and peaceful for you. With finances, it is best to look beyond the conventional wisdom.

My child, you may try to copy what everyone else is doing and you may end up feeling too frustrated. Just because you do my work differently, doesn’t mean your salvation is any less than the other person’s. Like handling finances the same as others, you may find our relationship strenuous when you try to do what everyone else does. Seek understanding on how to handle things, and after that, you can follow that path that gives you peace and allows you to interact freely with me.

All my children are special, unique in their own right. I do not desire to put you in a box, instead, I would want you to open up what is in your spirit and live to your fullest potential, as long as godliness is your compass. Like managing your own finances, you know the goals you want to achieve, find a way to do so, with prayer you will be sure to live a life with me in it, even if it doesn’t sound conventional to the world.

Reflect on These Words Today:

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

(Romans 8:28)

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