Today’s Devotional

"Faith Is The Conviction Of Things Not Seen, It Is The Assurance That The Things You Hope For Will Pass..."

Like Mortgage, Let Me Turn Your Dreams To Reality.

Owning a home is a dream many people wish to fulfill.  Few get to actualize it because along the way they have so many expenses that they end up having that idea as just another lost dream. Many people don’t have the cash reserves to purchase a home outright, a mortgage has been a great option to change this narrative. With a mortgage, you are able to make monthly payments for a home while the value still appreciates. Though mortgages may require you to work hard so that you never miss payments, it is a worthwhile option.

Precious one, I see the dreams of your heart, the many possibilities you believe life will bring. Though things may not be going as you wished they would by this time of your life, your faith has allowed you to keep pressing forward. Like a mortgage owner, you have worked hard towards getting what you want, and for this, I surely will reward you. You have not put your hope into the things you can get here and now, just as one who has a mortgage, you have believed that ultimately everything will work out, because of your love for me.

My child, it doesn’t matter how long it will take, as long as you abide by me, everything will unfold as it is supposed to. Commit to me whatever you do, let me be your mortgage lender because I will establish all your plans. The good work that we begin will not go in vain, slowly with careful strides, your life will have more impact than you thought. Let people draw to me through you, as one who owns a home through a mortgage, set an example.

There Are Consequences When you Default Making Payments.

A mortgage is a great idea but it’s not something that you would want to start and quit before the end. When you default on mortgage payments, it can lead to so much loss. The mortgage lender will charge you late fees and other financial penalties, which ultimately increase the total amount you have outstanding on the mortgage loan. The continual lack of making payments can make you lose the home altogether in case the lender chooses to auction it.

My child, similar to defaulting on a mortgage, there are consequences when you live a life that is not pleasing considering you know about me well. Time and time again, you may have turned your back on me, you may have stopped loving me as you used to. You don’t talk to me like before, slowly you are defaulting on your mortgage. You have allowed something to take over your focus and it is time that you work on it. Don’t you understand that you may be the only hope I have set for an unbeliever?  Do not let their hope die, for this is your responsibility when you first choose to abide by me.

When you take up a mortgage run with it till the end, just as you should when you start walking with me. Seek my face and do not cease praying for that helps us stay in a healthy relationship. Just as you would abide by a mortgage lender, do not choose to go your own way, for the plans I have for you will touch many lives. My child, be watchful and thankful, remembering that nothing you do will ever be in vain.

Reflect on These Words Today:

“Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

(Philippians 1:6)

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