Today's Mother Mary Card Is...

Credits: “Mother Mary Oracle” | Author: Alana Fairchild | Artwork: Shiloh Sophia McCloud | Publisher: Blue Angel Publishing
"Our Lady of Starting Over"
Mother Mary’s message for you
My most beloved child, although you may have been tired of starting over and over again in life, I am here to tell you that once more, it is time to leave something in the past. Yes, it is natural to grieve this loss. Endings are a sad part of life. However, new beginnings always come after these which are always something positive to look forward to.
As you prepare to let something go, allow me to imbue you with courage as well as the knowledge that this change is occurring so that you may be truly happy. Through your personal growth, you will inspire others. And, you will not cause harm to what you are letting go of. With this in mind, trust in my loving grace as you surrender your doubts and fears to me.
What you need to know
Every situation you face in life has a purpose. However, a brand new purpose is calling you now. Yes, you may well be walking into unfamiliar territory but this may well work out so well for you. It is time for you to take a few little steps beyond your comfort zone. This period of your life could prove to be very exciting for you so just enjoy what comes your way!
Mother Mary wishes you to know that you are on the right track so you don’t need to concern yourself about that. These changes are already happening or will be happening very soon. Therefore, there is no need at all to force things. You will know in your heart when the perfect time to move on arises. Our Lady will be with you then to help and guide you.
Prayer for healing
Mother Mary sits before you bathed in golden light. As you look into her eyes, connect with her sacred heart in the knowledge that you can release all your worries, fears and bad experiences. See these leave your body in the form of dark grey smoke that burns as it reaches the Holy Mother’s heart fire then is burned away.
When you are ready, say the following, “Our Lady of Starting Over, help me to let go as you hold me in your loving heart. Walk with me as I start afresh in various aspects of my life. Let me resonate with your positive path of unending love. Through my own free will and your holy grace, let this be so!”
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