
Today's Mother Mary Card Is...

Credits: “Mother Mary Oracle” | Author: Alana Fairchild | Artwork: Shiloh Sophia McCloud | Publisher: Blue Angel Publishing

"Our Lady of Promise"

Mother Mary’s message for you

Many people have made promises to you throughout your life, my dear one. However, how many times have you been let down and left disappointed by others breaking their word? I am here to tell you that you can count on me. I promise you new life. You can release the past with a full and open heart as I’m guiding you towards fulfilling your destiny.

By trusting in me, you are freeing yourself from doubt and fear. You will no longer feel lost or uncertain because I am guiding you with my divine hand. New life is yours. New hope for the future is a certainty now. Feel happy as I ignite the sacred fire of love for all things within your heart. Bring your joy to the world!

What you need to know

The path of connecting with the divine Mother is not always as easy as it may initially seem. It can be difficult to surrender yourself completely to Her, but this is something that you need to do for the true fulfilment of your heart. Our Lady is helping you to set doubts and fears to the side so that you manage to bypass any obstacles that come your way.

Mother Mary asks you to let go of what does not make you happy. What no longer serves your highest purpose can be put to one side now because you do not need it in your life. In your heart you know it’s time to let go. Allow Her to walk with you as she makes your grief hers. There is a new and better route ahead of you!

Prayer for healing

With your palms facing upwards in your lap, close your eyes as you say the following words, “My dearest Mother Mary, with your unconditional love, bless me with the promise of a new path to happiness. I give myself over completely to the process of change and transformation.

I place all my worries, fears and suffering on the altar of my new life as the fuel for the process of my rebirth. Our Lady of Promise, I trust you implicitly as you guide me to new internal and external pastures. I need never fear because in you I have found my home.”

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