Today's Mother Mary Card Is...

Credits: “Mother Mary Oracle” | Author: Alana Fairchild | Artwork: Shiloh Sophia McCloud | Publisher: Blue Angel Publishing

"Our Lady of Divine Presence"

Mother Mary’s message for you

You have been preparing yourself for me to come into your life by releasing any guilt or doubt that you may have had in the past as you extend your heart to others. You have been petitioning the heavens for divine illumination to lead you. 


I have heard your cries so have come to inform you that I’m here. I would never ever leave you. You have been asking for divine light to illuminate your path, so,  I am here to inform you that it is already shining down upon you. Open yourself up to me so you can feel my divine presence in all that you do!

What you need to know

Along the path to spiritual freedom, there will come a time when something that has up until that point just existed as an idea in our heads that then becomes our reality. When a person first begins to conduct their life according to spiritual laws, they may go through a time in which they are filled with pleasure and adrenaline as they grow more reliant on trust, meditation and their own vision.


The next thing you may notice is that you will feel so much more at peace in general, as many more opportunities open to you. As you gain experience in navigating this new world in a trustworthy manner, you will develop a greater capacity for receptivity and openness, which will make it possible for more holy light to shine upon you!

Prayer for healing

Despite the fact that your spiritual growth is an evolving process, there are some milestones that you will be able to achieve during the course of your life. When you go through these sorts of experiences, your ego becomes less of a barrier and as a result, you become more capable of allowing the divine light to live inside you. 


A fitting prayer for the present moment is as follows, “In the name of my Heavenly Mother, I pray that healing energy will be channelled through me so that I might heal not only myself but also those around me as I continue along this journey. Please direct me and look after me at all times so that I may grow in spiritual grace.”

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