One of the most divisive figures in history is Jesus Christ. And one of the most challenging aspects of Jesus to grasp is His humanity. Might it be difficult for you to see Jesus as a normal human being?

You may also believe that He didn’t know what it was like to grow up—from being the baby into a young adult. Not only that, but you may also believe that He didn’t experience the same levels of rage, worry, or pain as you may do now. But, in actuality, He has gone through what humans have gone through.
Jesus exhibits his divine nature, infinite compassion, and absolute sovereignty over nature by executing miraculous acts of love and power. Not just that, Jesus demonstrates that He is the son of God and a messiah. It might give you goosebumps, but the miracles that Jesus has performed will strengthen your faith. Besides, the knowledge of these miracles will strengthen your faith. Why? Well, it’s because Jesus remains the same and continues to save and heal you through His numerous gifts.
It might be excellent for you to know the miracles as well as the innumerable wonders. What He achieved throughout His time on earth is incredible. Along with it, Jesus transformed the lives of those around Him to a considerable extent. Not only that, He has even improved the lives of His followers. So, let’s just quickly understand the miracle and its symbolism that Jesus taught humanity.
Water Into Wine
Jesus Christ performed miracles by touching, healing, and transforming countless people during His earthly ministry. Like other occurrences in Jesus’ life, eyewitnesses recorded His miracles. The New Testament records 37 miracles performed by Jesus Christ for a stated purpose. None of them was done at random or for fun.
Along with it, each of the miracles came with a message that satisfied a primary human need. Besides this, it also confirms Christ’s status and authority as God’s Son. So, the very first miracle that happened was at a wedding. That’s where Jesus changed water into wine. Because Jesus did this miracle in public, many Christians believe it to be one of the most remarkable miracles of all time. Moreover, this miracle was significant because it’s actual supernatural work and conveys the message of Jesus’s divine powers.
In this first of Jesus’ miracles, the wine signifies Jesus’ blood, which he will supply in a loving covenant for the people. Not only that, Jesus operates as the agent of transformation to activate a heavenly covenant of love. This way, He even makes it possible for human salvation, just as he turns water into wine.
Along with it, these elements form Jesus’ miracle of turning water into wine illuminate the tremendous implications of this seemingly little marvel. When Jesus transforms water into wine, He performs a miraculous sign. Besides, the miracle also foreshadows Jesus’s later public miracles and reveals His grandeur as the world’s Saviour.
Concluding It
The miracle at the wedding was the first time Jesus demonstrated His miraculous skills in public. He emphasized that even if you don’t obtain everything you want, the Lord’s strength will help you meet your needs. In short, it’s Jesus who will enable you to pursue a closer relationship with the Lord.
This miracle, which we discussed just now, also demonstrates how many of us only focus on the wrong things. Nowadays, people are more concerned with obtaining a new fancy car or a palatial home. But you must always keep in mind that whatever your needs may be, they must not create a wedge between you and the Lord.