The Holy Spirit, who governs and teaches the Church, has approved and urged devotion to Jesus’ Sacred Heart. Jesus displays His Sacred Heart to the world as a sign of God’s limitless love. It’s the symbol of His generous, self-sacrificing love for humanity. But spiritual richness, compassion, and generosity have grown cold today.

There is a genuine desire to be close to someone in everyone’s heart. To love and be loved—to know and be known. People look hard to find a deep and personal connection online these days. Those are supposed to be the wrong places to find God. The term “personal” is highly significant to Christians because they’ve got a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
And it’s one of the most basic emotional and spiritual desires among Christians to connect emotionally with Him. Devotion to Jesus Christ is all about deep contemplation. It’s also about feeling His interior existence and tripartite love. His divine love, burning passion-fuelled His human will, and sensible love that has influenced His interior life.
Recognize that spiritual growth comes from building a better relationship with God through Jesus, not following religious rules and rituals. While religious endeavors may tug you in various directions, maintaining a consistent focus on relating to God will help you grow in your faith. So, try to develop a personal prayer life so that you can enjoy regular communication with God and grow your love and respect for Him.
Therefore, make it a practice to seek God every day. Listen to Him, cultivate the attitudes He desires, and take the activities He directs. People will notice some of God’s traits reflecting in you if you spend frequent time with Him through prayers. So, the Lord’s prayer serves to remind the many ways to approach God in worship. You’ll have to sing His praises for who He is and ask Him to empower you to meet your specific needs. Besides, confess your sins and ask for the strength to overcome temptations.
Make it a high priority to reach out to folks who don’t know Jesus in this broken world. Make friends with them, and then share your faith with them once you’ve acquired their trust. Serve them to meet their physical needs and evangelize them to meet their spiritual needs.
You must faithfully rely on God’s power working through you to evangelize the individuals you befriend. So, assure that God will use your efforts to draw people close to you. Therefore, take advantage of all the possibilities God provides to create new friends.
Concluding It
Expect God to reach out to you and work mightily in your life. Not only that, but you should be aware that Lord will value your efforts—no matter how small they are. And, lastly, God will reward your trust by doing far more for you than you could ever dream of. So, daily, search for places where God is at work. And seek to join Him in His efforts to improve this shattered planet.