Today’s Devotional

"Dear child, Despite Temptations, I Am Always with You as Your Lawyer..."

Consent to Me as Your Lawyer

To prove not guilty of an accused crime, during court proceedings, an experienced lawyer is hired. Their work is to speak for the accused by showing evidence and arguing in favor of their client. They propose advice, firmness, and mediation for you when necessary. A lawyer’s contribution to the case, affirms one a win against the prosecutor.


Dear child, I know the world holds temptations which you would find yourself in. In the midst of this, the law catches up with you and you trust lawyers to fight in favor of your freedom. In a similar manner, I want you to trust in me and let me save you from falling into those baits of committing crimes. Seek consultations from me and I will plead your case based on what is in your hearts which is in contrast to how your lawyers plead cases from outside evidence or witnesses.

Losing faith in me is exposing yourself to trials set upon you in the days you live under the sun. My child, I guarantee your defense and restoration of peace for I am the best lawyer who will not in any way abandon you to lose against plots set forth by your enemies. Remain unworried, for provocation of doing the immoral are there to assess your faith in me. Therefore, keep your trust and faith in me burning. I will make you aware when desires assume control in you. Seek me when you feel overwhelmed by these temptations. Find comfort in me when an attempt is made by an enemy to tempt you. I will be a lawyer to those who have put their trust in me. I will accept you in my family as my children and plead your case forever.

Defense by Me is Secured to that of a Lawyer

A ruling in court may be made against your favor and it is found that you are guilty. On such occurrences, you blame your lawyer for having not done enough to speak on your behalf and yourself for committing the offense in the first place. Trials of appealing your case begin, and if they fail too, this is when you think about me. Lawyers start to lose their importance and the thought of my intervention starts to make sense.


Faithful one, being involved in acts that are against my laws or laws your leaders have made, is inevitable only when you refuse to allow me to guide you. These are bad decisions and every offense is accompanied by a consequence. Just as an accused rushes to a lawyer, do not wait to be caught up so that you come running to me but instead trust in me and always seek my legal counsel when unsure on the path to take. Keep your hope in me for I am always beside you and I will offer you safety, protection, and care.

My child, I have taught you a prayer that you should say every day since it is set to protect and act as a shield in your entire day. As the lawyer is intelligent enough to speak for you in those courts, remember that all the knowledge and wisdom in the world comes from me. My unfailing love never ends and by my mercies, you have been kept from complete destruction. I will not let enemies throw you in a pit and drop stones on you. I will save you from all of them and give you the strength to deal with temptations.


Beloved one, owning a home, or striving to have one is not all. Sometimes the plans you make tend to fail hence this is why I urge you to make me part of all your day-to-day ideas. You cannot do without me and you should not hold on until you run out of options and that’s when you remember me. Aside from the successes, you think you have made or are about to, confide your faith in me and approve of things being done my way.

Failure or lack to have enough is neither an indicator nor a reason that I cannot provide for you. You may feel empty and bothered about what to do. However, worry not for I am your provider and I will neither let you lack nor allow darkness to meet you outside in the cold at night. You may feel as if I am allowing you to suffer but it is through sufferings that I am immediate to you.


Reflect on These Words Today

“O Lord, plead the causes of my soul for you have pleaded my case, you have seen the vengeance and all their imaginations against me, you have heard their reproach, be my Judge, and prove me right.”

(Lamentations 3: 58)

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