Today’s Devotional

"You Love Knowledge When You Love Discipline, But The One Who Hates Reproof Is Stupid..."

Raise Your Children Well.

Children are wonderful gifts, and unfortunately today they are seen more than ever that they are such a burden. This mentality is far from what I would ever want. It is your job as my child to really expose the beauty of parenting. Though children do take a lot of resources, patience, time, and love, they are so worth it!  When you have children, you get to learn what I truly want from you for your children. You may have been raised differently or came from a home that had no love or care for you. You may have had to toughen up very early and there was very little affection in your life. As you grow up, you definitely want what is different for your children, even though you do not know how to do it, because it is different from the pattern you were used to. Though very few people get to address what you have gone through, I understand and will help you be different. There are so many counselors who can help you know how to be a parent but truly, you need to turn to me and my word if you want to do better.


My child, it is my desire that the generations that follow do not be apart from me, that more of my children will grow to be drawn closer to me. How will a young one know what to do unless it is taught to them? You must learn to love your offspring and make a better life for the future generation. I have called you to be the difference and the light in all things, including loving children. You may have seen or you are one of the parents who find it hard to take care of their own children and you would rather leave that responsibility to someone else. You may find it difficult to discipline them or talk to them, and that way you have to let them follow their own lead. I have given you a job to love them and lead them to me. Children are so important and I love them, and you must be like them to enter my kingdom.

My precious one, show your children, my love, by loving them and others just as I have loved you. Be quick to forgive, look for what is best, do not hold a grudge, and speak gently into areas of their lives that need growth, just as I do you. I have given you a heritage, a reward, which is the fruit of the womb, like an arrow in the hand of a warrior, are the children of your youth. You may have been childless and now I have blessed you, as this makes you happy, use it to also bring me praise. Bring all the children to me, because each belongs to my kingdom. You may be wondering if you are doing it right, if there is anything you are missing, or if it’s too late to be the right parent to your child. Beloved, take heart, I have graciously left you a guide on how not only to guide but teach your children. Let me be the perfect example of a parent, and let my infinite wisdom fill the crevices that you miss. Just as I have fathered you, parent your children.


Allow me to mold you on how to become better and raise godly children. If you train your children well and direct them on the right path, they will not leave it even as they get older. Teach my word to your children, as you sit in your house, as you lie down, as you walk along, and as you get up.  Be ready to learn when you are wrong, and start doing what is right.

Reflect On These Words Today:

Hear Reproof For You To Get Understanding, But When You Refuse Instruction, You Despise Your Own Soul.

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