Today’s Devotional

"The Darkness Does Not Comprehend The Light That Shines Through It..."

Trust Me Even When You Don’t Understand.

There are times when you don’t know what I am doing, you don’t know what to feel or what to do. You may be in a place where you don’t know why I am still allowing certain things to happen in your life. You might be angry with me because you are wondering why I can’t just get things in order. 


My child, I am just, I am good and I love you. Whatever is happening is because of something that you didn’t or did do that is keeping me from being able to move you forward or away from the situation you are in. You may not understand clearly what you did or why the situation is still there. I know you feel lost and upset, and you are trying to figure out what you are doing wrong because you thought you were doing everything right. Allow me to show you the things you are blind to, and then permit me to fix them.  Break your hardened heart, so that you can have an understanding of what I’m trying to do. Do not lose faith but rather open your eyes and ears to what I’m telling and showing you through your situation.

Bear It All Out To Me.

Tell me what you are thinking and what you are feeling. Tell me the truth, even as you revere me, do not hold back, I want to hear you. I am not scared of your feelings, no matter what they are, who is better to tell the truth to than me? I know what you are feeling and thinking before you even say it, but sometimes I want you to say it, so you know what you are actually feeling. I want you to be able to express yourself to me, to break down your walls through communicating, so you can hear me speak, because I am listening. You will seek me and you will find me, when you seek me with all your heart, and when things are not going the way you expect them to, do not fill your mouth with lies and complaints. Sometimes it can be hard to be with you because you refuse the truth to enter your ears.  Place yourself where you will be filled with the truth, then the lies will begin to unravel themselves before you.  Allow your heart to be still, listen to my word, the answers lay right there. My word will be a light on your path and a lamp to guide your feet. Keep hoping and believing, though it may be hard to do, you can’t keep living life wanting me to do things and not believing I will.


Do not be divided, do not pray then complain about things. Above all, let my will over your life be greater than what you desire. I will always be there for you and with you, so believe. I will bless you when you remain steadfast, after you have stood a test I will crown you. Surrender to me everything you have, even if it’s not a lot, let me build your life with trust. See that I am doing a new thing in your life, do you perceive it? Do not put your guard up, instead, let yourself go to my will.

Reflect On These Words Today:

“But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised.”

(1 Corinthians 2:8)

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