Today’s Devotional

"Move forward in confidence because I have great plans for your future. Live righteously for you are a child of the light..."

Be confident in me.

Dear one, you are discouraged as things in your life are not going as you had hoped they would. The events and outcomes of your life have left you disappointed. You wonder why life is like that and you fear the future uncertainties. You have tried to change your life situation for the better but fail all the time. The discouragement from failure makes you lose confidence, faith and courage in self and in me as well.


My child, come to me and I shall renew your strength and power. Always believe in me and never give up in the face of adversities for I have great plans for you.  Life may knock you down but do remain strong and unwavered for giving up is giving up on me, my purpose, and my mission for you.  Always believe in yourself as well but do not solely rely on your own strength and understanding, always seek my guidance. For instance, you may be working hard in school but your grades remain unimproved. You have done all that should be done to improve in your studies but you fail. This makes you lose confidence and courage in yourself. Believe that through me you will achieve that which you desire.

My child, in life, failure is inevitable. Do not lose hope whenever the challenges in life pull you down. Stay strong in confidence in me and persevere so that when my will is done you may receive what I have promised to you. Pray for my spirit to guide you and keep you strong at all times.  Every time that you fall, get up and keep going, I assure you that the challenges and failures that you come across in life are milestones towards great success. 


Beloved one, my love will grant you the strength and courage to be confident in times of adversity.  My power and grace are sufficient to you in those times you feel weak. I will pick you up whenever you fall and deliver you to greatness. In your hard times, have confidence and faith in my plans and purpose for you. Always have faith that everything is in my control.

Embrace sacrifices

Everything good comes at a price. My grace and power are sufficient to you always. Give up and refrain from the pleasures of the world as they often lead you into sin. Child, living right away from worldly ways is the ultimate sacrifice for a great relationship with me. True happiness is in my gift of eternal life. A good relationship with me will secure your great life in the mortal world 


Beloved one, embrace me by living righteously for I am always by your side. I will always be present to guide and strengthen you in those dark times. I will raise you above all your troubles and give you victory. Do not be deceived by the enemy into fulfilling the desires of the flesh. Remember that the enemy will always throw you into temptations and despair for he came to steal, kill, and destroy. Through me, you have the power to resist the temptations of the enemy. Whenever he subjects you to darkness stay strong in faith.  Those that live by the ways of the world will fall short of my glory and blessings and eventually destruction. 

My child, living righteously will secure you my strength, power, courage, comfort, hope, mercy, and love that will guide and help you overcome all the challenges of life. My spirit will be your armor to defend, protect, and raise you above all your difficulties.

Reflect On These Words Today:

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up.”

(Galatians 6:9)

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