Today’s Devotional

"Do not be dismayed, for I will strengthen and guide you towards your victory and glory..."

Embrace weakness

My child, I have heard your cry for help from the burdens of life that have left you tired and weary. I see how discouraged you have become and you often feel like giving up. You are not at ease as your mind, body, heart, and soul are not at peace. You have lost all the strength from the difficulties in your life and desire that I may renew your strength to keep you going. You are stuck and you pray that I may recharge you.


For instance, the loss of love relationships with people you trusted and made you feel safe and at home has left you broken, empty, and in pain. Your heart is bleeding and in agony. You feel weak, depressed, empty, and fed up. Embrace the pain and betrayal and bring it before me. You cannot be strong all the time that is why I will always be present to renew your strength to keep you fighting your battles.  

My child, relying on me is an act of faith and accepting me in your life. It indicates you cannot move on your own as some troubles are not within you to get yourself out of. Beloved, you may lean on me to give you strength and increase your power to help you out of your difficulties.  You are safe and protected in my refuge. Bring your struggles and suffering to me and I will deliver you from all that troubles your heart and soul and deliver you to glory and victory.  Embrace weaknesses, have a positive mindset on them, and view them as an opportunity for you to find your way to me. My abounding love will be your comfort and create a safe haven for you. Child, I will make things right for you in your life by faith.


Pray that I may always help you rely on me. That I may strengthen your faith in me in the face of adversities.

Live righteously

Everything comes at a price and the price of receiving my grace and power is to accept me by living righteously. My child, the ways of the world have had you living a life of sin. You are in bondage of evil and darkness.  Battling with sin has taken away your true peace and joy in life. It has destroyed your walk with me and chased me out of your life. Your soul is impure and in agony. I hear your plea of freedom from the slavery of sin.


Beloved, change the lifestyle that is leading you astray from my glory and conflicting you with me. Remember I the Lord is pure and cannot co-exist with sin. When you are tainted by sin from the lifestyle choices you make such as sexual immoralities, it denies you the chance of securing my amazing grace and glory. Committing sin is acceptable for I created you and I understand it is in your human nature to fall into temptations and sin. What is unacceptable is living in sin. 

My child, confess of your sins and I will purify you of all unrighteousness. I will deliver you from the bondage of evil and darkness. I am faithful, merciful, just, and have steadfast love for you enough to overlook the intensity of your sin and give you a chance at redemption through forgiveness. Accept my gift of salvation through accepting my son Jesus and I will give you the power to overcome sin. I will shower you with the strength to overcome temptations. I will cleanse, heal, and bring you into my light and for that, you have to adjust to your life choices and embrace living righteously.


Pray that I may always give you the wisdom to discern what is right and wrong in your pursuit for a righteous life. That I may guide you in those times of temptations and deliver you from sin.

Reflect On These Words Today:

“For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield.”

(Psalm 5:12)

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