Today’s Devotional

"My Power Is Made Perfect In Weakness, So My Grace Is Sufficient For You..."

Face Rejection With An Open Mind

In this fallen world, you will at some point encounter rejection. You may have been in a situation where your spouse cheated on you, you lost your job because of personal issues, or heard negative comments about yourself. Your confidence, passion for living, and relationships may have been affected by these instances. You may have been dealt a harsh blow from someone close to you.  Even while you are recovering from the shock and pain, you can easily become so focused on your hurt feelings that it becomes hard for you to think rationally. Feelings of betrayal may consume you, and you may result to criticize the other person and want to give them a taste of their own medicine.


My child, I want you to handle these painful and challenging experiences you may be having with compassion and understanding.  I want you to pray for that person who made you go through that and see them as my child who made a mistake. This is someone who didn’t understand the impact of their words and I want you to forgive them.  I know you may not follow my lead because of the anger you have harbored. You may constantly fill those around you with all the problems you are going through and feel sorry for yourself, but even then, I will wait for you to handle things the right way, because I need you to be assured of my love.

Beloved one, I care about you and I am with you during every time of turmoil. You are valuable in my eyes, and your value is not based on the approval you get from other people, but solely on me. I encourage you to let go of your pride and replace it with grace and mercy. You are mine and I will always love you despite the insecurities you have and your flaws.

Seek My Approval Only

My Precious one, even though I may not always approve of what you do and the choices you make, I still approve and acknowledge you as my creation, which I love and I would do so much for. Know that I accept you no matter what, so allow my comfort and wisdom to deal with situations that make you feel hurt and worthless.


Let me fill you with love so you can extend it to others, even those that don’t love you in return.  You may want to please people a lot and in the process, you compromise on who you are.  People can be unstable, and your feet will never stand firm in the right path. If you choose to love anyone else more than me, then you are worthy of my love. Create time to repent and confess, for when you have fallen, and been unfaithful so that we can have a good relationship. I am faithful and willing to forgive, let me cleanse you from sin. Align your thoughts with my desires, and you will find yourself completely sheltered with love.  When you faithfully abide by me, you will find yourself no longer seeking the approval of people because you will be more inclined to do my will rather than anyone else’s. Have a willing attitude towards me, and let me transform your way of thinking, let it be that you desire to please me first, then everyone else later. I desire to have this walk with you.

Reflect On These Words Today:

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. “

(Psalm 37:4)

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