Today’s Devotional
"Beloved, whenever you make a decision to give; do it with your entire heart and I will bless you abundantly..."
Give with a cheerful heart
When one makes a decision to give, they should do so without expecting anything in return. Being generous is a noble act that touches hearts and makes a difference in the world. Those who are blessed with more are called upon to give those who lack. Kindness is never complete unless the giver does so with a cheerful heart. The truth is that when a sacrifice is made in sorrow and agony, the joy of it cannot be felt hence its essence is nullified.
Precious one, I have blessed you abundantly and granted you more than you require. For this reason, do not enjoy your wealth yet your neighbour languishes in poverty. I urge you to extend your hand and be a blessing to your neighbour through giving generously just as I have blessed you. By giving, you appease me and I have no choice but to open the doors of heaven upon you and bless you more. I am a gracious God who is pleased by people who fulfill the commandment of loving others. To those who extend their hands and give, I ensure that their cups never become empty. On the other hand, the doors of heaven are shut for those who are mean and selfish that they live in luxury yet their neighbors cannot afford basic needs. Since they cannot share what I have blessed them with, their hands remain full and there is no more space left for more blessings hence the stagnation.
Not suitable to give?
Due to the popularity of monetary donation, sometimes people assume that it is the only form of giving. Having this belief prevents people who have abundance in other areas other than monetary from giving. The reality is that people are blessed differently and giving can be made in any form. There are people who lack finances yet they are always sacrificing their time for a good cause. Time, knowledge, food, talents among others are examples of non-monetary gifts that one can give. No human should ever feel left out in a charity cause just because they never have adequate finances for the same.
Beloved, do not shy away from giving just because you feel inadequate. Do not compare your gifts to that of others for I do not look at the value of the material given but I focus on the heart and intention of the giver. If you ever feel like you are not suitable to make sacrifices, may my love for you remind you and grant you the assurance that you are suitable in every capacity. I have created all humans in my own image and likeness hence there is no special type to me for none of my children is of a lesser God. You may be different in your talents and abilities but what matters is that I have fashioned you uniquely to serve a purpose on earth. No matter what you go through, always remember that I am your creator and father and I will never lead you astray. With me you are in safe hands and you need not fear or lose hope in life.
Thoughts to reflect on today:
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work”
(2nd Corinthians 9:6-8)
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