Today’s Devotional

"‘My dear child, when the future is uncertain allow me to protect you and you will never regret it. Trust in me even when there are no signs that I exist for I will exalt you'..."

The Need for my protection

Without my protection, you are prone to getting involved in accidents and falling into traps that have been set for you by the enemy. No man plans for an accident but the truth is that they occur so randomly when you least expect them and when you are least prepared. When accidents occur, all other things have to be pushed aside and the accident incidences are given the top priority due to their nature of criticality. I am the all-seeing God who watches over His children and protects them from all the accidents and troubles in life. I am the good shepherd who tends His flock and if my flock are faithful to me, they enjoy my protection and unending grace. 


My dear child, there are times when you feel like your life is falling apart. You feel like you were never prepared for the challenges that you keep on facing on a daily basis. The truth is, you will never feel ready and prepared enough for the obstacles that you will face in life. Since you cannot evade the challenges, the best solution is to allow me to be your protector and when trouble sets in, I will cover you and minimize the damage. There are people who entrust their life with money, others with fame, and others with beauty as well as physical appearance. However, when unexpected accidents occur in their life, they do not come out strong. Precious one, I am the only legit and loving father. Trust me with everything in your life and I will help you stand strong even after the uncertainties of life come kicking you down.

Have Faith in Me

Beloved, faith in me is the price that you have to keep on paying to ensure your appease me. Faith in me means that you have to let me into your life and allow me to take charge in all aspects. It means that you have to let go of all the doubts because you understand that no matter what happens, I will always be there for you. I know that sometimes life puts you in a situation where you call out unto me for help yet I do not come to your rescue and this plants doubts into your mind. I am assuring you that I always hear you whenever you call out to me and I may either grant your request, deny, or have you wait. 

Whenever I deny your request, It is because I know there is something better for you. Instead of getting grumpy and discouraged when I deny your request, be still for my denial means that what you wanted was not what I have in store for you. Trust in my providence even when there are no signs that I will provide for you. It is through your faith in me that I will exalt you and bless you. Through you, the whole world will be able to see and feel my goodness as well as my love for humanity. Whenever you allow me to be incharge of your life, you have to ensure that you pay the cost through unwavering faith in me.

Reflect on These Words Today:

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

(Psalm 46:10)

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