Today’s Devotional

"My child, let my word be known to all people. Spread the gospel to everyone so that they may know and learn of the Lord which shall encourage them to accept and receive the Lord..."

Spread the gospel

My child, just as you do marketing on behalf of organizations, market my word on my behalf. Marketing involves encouraging and convincing people to buy goods and services from a certain business or company. Dear one, just as you do marketing, I have given unto you the authority to spread my gospel. Enlighten the people of my good news. Promote the gospel and preach of the rewards and benefits of receiving it. Let them be aware of my love, mercy and grace for all that accept and receive my gospel. Create awareness of my salvation to all those that receive my word. 

Just like my son Jesus Christ, I have given you the authority to spread my gospel. Ask the Holy Spirit to walk and guide you during your mission of spreading the gospel. The Holy Spirit shall open the eyes of the people to the truth and understanding of the gospel. Open your mind to people and take time while on your mission, do not run out of patience, and do not give up on people.

Attract and bring people to the Kingdom of God.

Marketing in a commercial context means attracting the attention of consumers through enticement by means such as eye-catching advertisement and offering discounts. Similar to business marketing, advertise and attract people’s attention to my gospel. Attract people by informing them of the benefits of accepting and walking with me. Enlighten them of my gift of salvation to all that accept me. Acknowledge them of the rewards of choosing to live by my word and law. Preach of my love, mercy, power, and grace for all those who believe and trust in me.

Testify the goodness of the Lord.

My child, advertise and market the good deeds and miracles you have witnessed by receiving my gospel and living by my word and commandments. Testify of my salvation and of the greatness and benefits of accepting me through accepting the salvation of my son Jesus Christ.   Testify the blessings and the peace you feel by living by the word. Make them aware of how I walk you through and grant you strength to fight against your battles, enemies, temptations, and evil. Let them know how safe, secure, and protected you feel by receiving me through receiving my word and gospel.

Encourage other people to bring more to people of God.

In marketing, once a consumer has made a purchase you encourage them to encourage other people to purchase and consume the product by advertising and promoting its benefits on your behalf. Do you remember how my son Jesus Christ encouraged his disciples to continue with his work of spreading the gospel? He also encouraged the people who had received my power through healing, casting out demons among other miracles he performed to preach of my work and miracles through him. He encouraged people to preach of the importance of faith in me for it is through faith that my miracles through my son Jesus came to work in the people. My child, be like Jesus and encourage those that have received the gospel to spread it to more people. Encourage them to create awareness of my good deeds in their lives to attract more to me.

Reflect on These Words Today:

Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching

(2 Timothy 4:2)

And he said to them,“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.

(Mark 16:15)

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