The Top Three Ways Of Hoping In God When Nothing’s Working Your Way

Hope is having the belief that everything’s happening for the better. When you’ve got a hope in your heart, you’ll know that something good is about to happen in your life. That’s why people who suffer should never lose hope. It’s because these people will always live their lives to the fullest, regardless of the challenges they face. The people who nurture, preserve, and share hope will always see the sunny side of life. That’s why when you’ve got a hope in the Lord, you’ll also strengthen your faith in Him. Here’s how the Bible defines hope.

Hoping In God

The Bible Says This About Hope

In Romans 8:23-25, you’ll read: “Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope, we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.”

According to this passage, the Holy Spirit is there inside your heart. Because of this presence, you’ll dare to hope even when things aren’t in your favor. Abraham and Sarah didn’t have a child even in their old age. From the outside, it seemed that the old couple had lost all hope. But they never lost hope as the Lord Himself brought hope that they’ll beget a child. And this child will not just change their lives but also their worlds.

Their hope remained strong because they believed in the Almighty. They believed that they’d have a son in the coming time, despite their old age. Now, you have a fair idea of what hope is all about, even from the biblical point of view. So, it’s time to share with you three proven tips to have the flame of hope burning brightly in your heart.

How Should You Remain Hopeful Every Time?

Believe In The Lord

Faith is the driving force for everything in life. That’s why people say that faith moves mountains. So, the bottom line is to believe in the power of the Lord. If you make light of the power of the Lord, then you’ll be unable to have hope in your heart.

Remember The Good Times

One of the best ways of having hope is to recollect the times when you were happy. Today may be difficult, but you can alleviate the pain you’re feeling now by taking a look at the good memories of your life. These good memories will give you the energy to move ahead in life with courage, confidence, and hope.

Learn From Your Bad Times

Now’s the time you’re suffering the most. But that doesn’t mean you should forget these times. Instead, you must cherish these hard times because they’ll teach you a lot of things. So, make sure you always learn from your bad times. This way, you’ll ensure that you never take anything – the good times or the bad ones – for granted.


So, what’s holding you back? Connect with the Lord and make Him your anchor in life. This way, you’ll make sure you never run of hope in your life, come hell or high water. Remember when you have faith in the Lord’s capabilities, you’ll never let the flame of hope extinguish from your life. Have a hope-filled life ahead.
