Today’s Devotional

"Long For The Pure Milk Of The Word, So That Your Salvation May Grow..."

Let Me Help You Grow Spiritually.

You may have tried to grow something, could be a plant, garden, or even your hair. You have noticed that it takes time and energy for that thing to grow. However, as the plant or hair grows and thrives, all the hard work you have put into nurturing it starts to pay off. You may have started seeking me, and you have decided to let go of your past life. Though this is a plan you have, it cannot happen overnight. You may wonder why after you have given yourself to me, you still quickly go back to your old life. You may find that you are still engaging in drugs, drunkenness, gossip, or even lust. Though this is a lifestyle you were used to, you may start feeling guilty for living contrary to my word. The enemy may lie to you, that I have never called you and you are not saved, so that you may give up and go back to the life you were used to. 

My child, for you to stand firm and be righteous, you have to grow in grace and knowledge of me. This is not the physical growth that you have seen in your plant, but rather spiritual growth and getting closer to me. You may be focusing on me by reading my word, putting time to prayer, and keeping away from sin. Once the enemy sees that you are almost standing, he may bring a temptation that is big, that will draw you back. You may feel ashamed to approach me again because you think I have already shunned you out. With guilt, because of lies, you may walk away, face down back to your world of sinfulness.

My child I am the one that called you, no one can come to the father unless they are called. If I did not seek you then you wouldn’t have found me. If I didn’t call you, you wouldn’t have decided to turn and focus on me. All this is my work and not yours. Do not try to be faithful and seek my approval through the work you do, rather believe that I am the one who started the good work in you, and I am the one who will bring it to completion. Do not trust in your strength, do not think that you will work hard until you stand again. My child, there is no condemnation for you, those I am displeased with sin, I am abundant in mercy and grace. 

When I called you, I knew you not to stand immediately, I knew it would take time for you to walk in truthfully, yet out of my love for you, I wanted to walk down this road with you. Do not let the enemy lie to you again, do not let the accuser throw stones at you. Remember you have a father, and an advocate in heaven and the refinement of character takes time. I am pleased when you have faith when you believe that I am the one that saved you. Like a child, gently rest of my word, cling onto my promises and speak my word into your life since I have given you the authority. 

My precious child, when you come to me, do so with boldness and confidence, do not be timid because I have adopted you and you are a part of my kingdom.  Speak to me about the concerns of your heart, surrender yourself in worship and be ready to let go of the things that are holding you back. Allow me to finish my work in you, and progressively you will wonder if you are the same person who used to struggle with some sin. Though you will never be perfect and not sinning, I will always be here to bring you back to the right path.

Reflect On These Words Today:

“I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.”

(John 15:5)

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