Today's Mother Mary Card Is...
Credits: “Mother Mary Oracle” | Author: Alana Fairchild | Artwork: Shiloh Sophia McCloud | Publisher: Blue Angel Publishing
"Our Lady of Starting Over"
Mother Mary’s message for you
My child, in a very short time, you will be required to part ways with something. Even if you know inherently that it is acceptable to move on from this situation, you may still experience the sorrow of losing it. It is my responsibility to instil in you the courage you require along with the awareness that this transition is in the process of taking place right now.
As you move forwards, you contribute to the overall growth of others as well as yourself. Know and feel secure because I have everything under control. I am keeping an eye out to make sure that everything goes according to the divine plan. Therefore, in order to let go of all your worries and concerns, you must first have faith in me.
What you need to know
With the assistance of the Holy Spirit, Our Lady of Starting Over is here to support you in recovering from afflictions, achieving success and having more fun in life. You are being directed to give yourself permission to explore every facet of your emotions as you try to make peace with the occurrences of the past in order to set yourself free. This will enable you to live a life without restrictions.
Keep in mind that the way in which every person behaves is in line with their own unique consciousness. However, you are able to find a way to make peace with them and go on with your life, even if certain people may have caused you emotional harm in the past. You can and will rise above this.
Prayer for healing
You may soon be able to forgive individuals who hurt you because you will comprehend that they have been hitting out in anguish. This is true even if the reason for their distress has very little to do with you, or even nothing whatsoever to do with you at all. Your response to the sorrow from the past, both your own and that of others, will determine how far you will go in your own personal development now.
When you feel that the timing is perfect, say this prayer to Our Lady of Starting Over: “Our Lady of Starting Over, enable me to shed any anxieties, anger and pessimism as you hold me in your loving arms Stay by my side so that you may help steer me toward fresh starts. Let this happen by the strength of my own free will and the blessing of your sanctified name!”