Today’s Devotional

"Dear one, learn to call and cry unto me at all times. Do not call unto me only when you are faced by troubles to test my faith and love at those times..."

I am not a doctor that you go see in the emergency room only when you are sick, call on me always.

My child, unlike those visits you make to the doctor in the emergency room when you are sick, you are to seek me at all times. Do not seek me only in those times that you are overpowered by the storms and problems. Do not call unto me only at those times you feel you need me (emergencies) and then once I get you out of your troubles your relationship with me is over. 


Dear one, you were made to have an everlasting and eternal relationship with me through Jesus Christ. It is the relationship with me as your God that shall give you a healthy life. Well I am not saying that you shouldn’t call unto me when you need strength and courage to overcome your battles. Just that you strive to seek me always. Do not test my love in times of trials. My child, you shall not avoid the physical and spiritual emergencies that are meant to come your way and that is why you need me at all times. So that I may guide you, give you strength and prepare you for those emergencies.

Use prayer as your weapon in times of emergencies

My child, in those times when you are faced with storms and trials, always pray. You shall find comfort in prayer. Pray and cast your problems unto me. I shall come to your aid. I will get you out of those storms that are meant to bring destruction into your life. Remember that the thief came to steal and destroy. In this case, the thief who is Satan has come to steal and snatch you of your happiness and bring destruction into your life. He wants for your faith in me to be shaken and moved so that he might destroy your life.


Fight against the bonds of evil with prayer. Stand strong in faith and prayer. Prayer will give you victory over evil and temptations. Pray for the spirit of the Holy Spirit to guide you and intercede for you. Seek refuge in me and I shall set you free from all that is meant to bring you destruction. Prayer is your weapon and never give up.

The Bible shall be your guide and your emergency room in times of emergencies and trials.

I am always here for you in the times of happiness and in the times of darkness. Dear one, in those times of emergencies, those times you feel that the storms are overpowering you, read your Bible. The Bible will guide you and give you the encouragement you need to get through the storms. The Bible will grant you the wisdom you require to overcome your emergencies. It will give you the strength you need to walk over your storms and trials as it gives you assurance that I am walking with you.

Change your lifestyle

My child, give your life to me and live a life that honors and glorifies me.. Do not live in the way of the world that pleases the flesh and dishonors me. Often the lifestyle you live is the one that leads you into those emergencies and destruction. 


In the current world, People tend to think that living a life that involves following my word and commandments is rather boring. Often, the fun and ungodly life only leads to destruction. Such lifestyles lead one to the emergency room of life for every choice has its own consequence. Dear one, change your way and give your life to me. Ask me to help you to adapt to change so that you may enjoy life of abundance in me.

Reflect On These Words Today

God strengthens you so do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. God has promised us His strength. He will never give you a trial you are unable to handle.

(Isaiah 41:10)

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