Today’s Devotional

"My child, pay attention and choose wisely which way you want to follow and align your life with. You should and shall choose whether you want to live, insure, invest and secure your life in the spirit or you shall insure, invest and secure in the flesh (world)..."

Be aware of and understand your insurance needs just like you do when you want to compare car insurance.

When in need of a car insurance policy, you have to compare car insurance providers as you seek to find a plan that better suits your insurance needs on the basis of your financial liabilities, your dependents as well as other factors. My child, just as you are keen when on a mission to compare car insurance, I urge you to carefully make decisions on how you want to live your life. 


A car owner without a car insurance cover will suffer from risks and damages that might not be within their financial capabilities to cover in the face of an accident. Driving a car without insurance is like living a life in the ways of the world (flesh) and not by me (spirit). By insuring your life in the ways of the flesh, your life is headed for greater harm and damage. 

Beloved, just as you critically analyze the benefits and consequences when comparing car insurance policies, I challenge you to rethink your life and choose the life that has more rewards. I call unto you to insure your life with me and choose to live a life that honors and glorifies me. 


Live a righteous life guided by the spirit, for that will put into consideration all your insurance needs. The flesh is easily moved and tempted by the worldly ways but I guide the spirit and if you choose to insure your life with the spirit you shall receive a happy life in all eternity.

Compare car insurance to find which has better benefits

When on a quest to compare car insurance policies,  you look for insurance that has better benefits in terms of the insurance plan coverage.  In a similar manner, living a life that honors me has greater and eternal benefits that cover every aspect of your life compared to a life that pleases the world. Living a life that is guided by the spirit insures your life now and life after this(eternity) just like you search for an insurance plan that will secure your future when you are comparing car insurance, in me, your future is secured. 


Living by the flesh involves disregarding your spirit form and its nourishment and by doing so you focus on doing what satisfies the body and that way you lose the grip of your soul and lose it in the process. The result of living by the desires is becoming a slave of sin. If you choose to live a life led by the flesh you shall be giving yourself up to darkness so choose to walk in my light, my child. Are you not aware of my love for you?

I am a trustworthy and faithful insurer

My child, just like you compare car insurance providers when looking for a trustworthy and faithful insurance company, I ask you to have faith and trust in me as well. In times of difficulties, if you choose to have faith in me I shall reveal my power and grace through you. I will be faithful to you if you are faithful to me. I shall insure your life and the lives of those you love from evil and all that is meant to bring you destruction. I will provide and sustain your life and you shall never lack. Choose my ways, insure your life with me, follow my commandments and live according to my plan and purpose and I shall fulfill all your heart desires. If you choose to fulfill the ways of the flesh, you will be living a life without dreams and hopes.

Reflect on These Words Today

For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

(Romans 8:13)

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