Today’s Devotional

"Dear one, do not be afraid for there is no illness that is greater than me. Fear not, I shall come to your rescue. I will speak healing and recovery in your life..."

Dermatological problems cause physical struggles and pain which can be very disturbing. My child, I know you tend to be very conscious about your skin and you strive to take good care of it to avoid any dermatological problems. Just like people face dermatological problems and become helpless, you may be feeling helpless from the challenges that life brings to you. I am here to remind you that my presence is always with you. I am always by your side to comfort you and give you strength. 


Precious one, if you happen to get a dermatological problem it might frighten you but do not be afraid for I am with you. Feel at peace and rest assured that I see your suffering and that you are never alone. Cast your burdens and worries unto me. When you feel overwhelmed by your condition I shall provide you with strength and peace.

Have faith and trust in me as your dermatologist

My child, do not be dismayed because of whatever condition you are in. I can see that dermatological problem that is making you weak. Do not lose your hope in me for I shall reveal myself to you and restore your health. I will grant you strength in those times of weakness, I will be your anchor and rock.  I shall set you free from the dermatological problem for my plan is for all that have faith and trust in me to receive good health. 


Just as you have faith and peace by having trained professional dermatologists within your reach, receive the same peace knowing that I watch over you. I know the pain and suffering you feel from the dermatological problem is too much to bear but stay still and know that I will give you hope to overcome all your fears. You are my child and you can therefore call upon my power of healing anytime and I shall come to your rescue.

Use my word as a medication to solve your dermatological problem.

Is that dermatological problem making you lose all your hopes in life and in me? Do you remember my miraculous healing power through my son Jesus Christ as evident in the Bible? Do you remember the stories of the ten men that were suffering from dermatological problems and were healed by my son Jesus? Was it not through my power that Naaman’s was cured from his dermatological condition? 


I am aware of your pain and suffering and I shall heal you from the dermatological problem you are facing. My word shall give you hope and in it you will experience the great works and miracles I have done. I shall raise you above any dermatological problem affecting your health. Despite getting help and treatment from dermatologists and any other professional health assistance make prayer and reading my word a part of your treatment plan. The scripture will strengthen your faith in me, encourage you and give you confidence in my healing power and abilities.

Be loving, kind and compassionate to the sick.

My child, be kind to the sick and ill-treat them especially those suffering from dermatological problems as outcasts. Treat them with love, compassion and care as I am with you. In such times of difficulties be their comforter. Strengthen them and encourage them that they shall get better. Give them hope and assure them of my love, compassion and mercy. Share in their suffering and assure them that they are not alone in their fight.

Reflect on These Words Today

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

(Hebrews 11:6)

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