Today’s Devotional

"I am a faithful God ready to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and to forgive your sins..."

The Need To Let Go

Letting go of something is a very hard thing to do. It is easier to hold on to things, but I want you to trust that I have something better. You may have been in a relationship where you committed yourself so much and you gave all you could, only for the other person to break your heart, may it also be past mistakes, fear, hurt, anger, regrets or worry. May you realize that I am in control and I have used and allowed these things and these people in your life to build you up.  What I have in store for you is not in the past, I have something greater than your fears and your worries. I have something greater than what you have done in the past, but I want you to trust me, let go, stand strong, and keep on moving to see what I have kept in store for you, set your eyes upon me. 


Sometimes you have held onto things such as doing your own will and unhealthy relationships because you think to yourself that maybe there will be change. You still have held onto hope in things other than in me. You have put your hope in situations, relationships, and yourself. You may have strengthened that desire to hold on to things that I don’t want in your life by constantly picturing it in your life and imagining how it would be and how you think you should turn outet, do not doubt it

Look up to me and stop looking at all of these different things. Give careful thought to the path you take and be steadfast in all you do, and I will keep you in perfect peace. Though I desire you to do my will, you will never do so when you are living in the past.  The enemy may try to remind you of the things you did, he will tell you of how you messed up my plan, for you to look back and distract you from what is in front of you. Truth is, you are where I want you to be, and I don’t want you to harm yourself in ways you don’t understand.


I have stored up sound wisdom for you, I will be a shield to you when you walk with integrity. I will guard your path with justice and watch over all your ways.  Then you will be able to understand righteousness and every good way to follow. My child I never said letting go will be easy, that you wouldn’t cry, it wouldn’t be painful, or you wouldn’t feel confused. I know it hurts and no one will understand the pain that you feel except you and me. Bring your pain to me, that which hurts you so much that you can’t speak. I’ve seen you cry to have peace to know how to deal with the situation. The peace I will give you will bring contentment and a sound mind during the storm. As a good father takes care of his children, know that everything will be okay. I have allowed this situation to build you up, help you grow in faith, and prepare for something better. Holding onto anger will hurt you more than anyone else. Forgive the one who offended you, just as I forgave you, learn to also forgive yourself.  It will be hard to understand my great love for you if you keep looking in the mirror and seeing your past failures. My love for you is greater than your pain and regret, do not doubt it

Reflect On These Words Today:

“A time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away.”

(Ecclesiastes 3:6)

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