Today’s Devotional

"My child, ask me to give you all you want, and you will never lack..."

I am the provider you need

To satisfy one’s needs in the world revolves around money. Money will aid you in buying clothes, feeding you, enabling you to get a house, and getting all the desires of your lives. A human being never reaches a limit to which you can now say that you have enough money, yet most of you do not have a reliable source. I am a God of abundance who promises to grant my children all their needs. Those who put their trust in my name will not suffer through inadequacy in their life.


My dear child, life’s challenging events would make you ask yourself whether I care about you from your experiences of dealing with the situations and through my actions of not answering some of the wants you have earnestly prayed for. However, It doesn’t mean that I am selfish or don’t mind you. If something will make you proud and take you away from my goodness, then you shouldn’t have it. Some people think that because they are wealthy, they cannot suffer inadequacy in their lives. Even so, something would happen to them, to the extent of requiring all their wealth, and that is when they realize that they are not rich as they thought. You are all equal, and you shouldn’t think that experiencing insufficiency is specially made for some people. However, one who seeks my kingdom and follows the way to righteousness is not worried about where to get all their needs, for I will give them.

Pray to receive my provision.

Beloved, when you want to have more funds to add to complete a project you have started or when you want to satisfy your needs, set forth your petition to me. I am more than delighted to come to your rescue and provide for you. All the glory will come to me when I do so, and you will be led according to my will. One who accepted me in their lives is my child. I am your father, and I will answer when you pray as my children. Even though I know your needs, prayers show that you still trust me and strengthen our relationship. Do not be discouraged when you pray, and I don’t respond. Wait for I am in preparation for something even more incredible than what you ask for. Additionally, to make your requests to me, through my son, Jesus, for it is through him that you approach me. So you should pray in his name to show that your prayers reflect his nature and character. When you pray for me to bless your shady business deal, it doesn’t reflect the nature of my son. Your prayers should align with my son’s righteousness,  mercy, justice, and purity. 


My child, do not wait until all your options fail to find somewhere you can get a source of income but always keep me close so that when a need arises, I will fulfill it to you as quickly as possible. I will be your helper. In my kingdom, there is nothing that you will lack, and I will make you rich when the glory of your house is increased. Put your hope in me subsequently, and I will do great things for you. My beloved, whatever you will need in life, I will provide it for you. You will not suffer under my watch. You will testify of my great acts, which I will do to you. I will always be there to assist your survival in the world I placed you in. My eyes will always be upon you from the beginning of the year unto the end.

Reflect On These Words Today:

“And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

(Philippians 4:19)

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