Today’s Devotional

"I Will Deliver You From Evil And Keep You From Temptation..."

Resist Temptation.

You get tempted every day, whether you realize it or not. The enemy does not like it when you put your focus on me and he tries to persuade you to go after your own desires and what you want instead of doing my will. You must learn to notice when you are being tempted and also seek my guidance on how to resist temptation. You may have had a weakness for something, which could be lust or drug abuse, with the consistent renewal of your mind, you have been able to let vices go. However, it has still not been easy because you were once vulnerable to them. The enemy might lie to you that you are obliged to fall once a temptation has been placed before you, but the truth is that you don’t have to be controlled by or give in to temptation if you do not want to. I have built in you a powerful mind, and when you allow me to help you control it, then your actions will fall in line. Do not let the enemy lie to you that you are controlled by your impulses, or that you can’t help but be sinful.


My child, there is no temptation that will happen to you that has not happened under the sun, but I am faithful and I will not let you be tempted more than what you are able to resist.  When you face temptation, find a way to escape it, so that you are able to flee from it. Whenever you are being tempted, I have already created an escape plan for you, and I am still in control. There is nothing that happens to you without my consent or knowledge.

The trick of the enemy is to make you believe that you are not being tempted, he makes you believe that your sin is too small to make any difference and that you should not even try to resist it. This is a lie because every sin you do takes away from you, and there is no small or big sin. There are things you may be doing every day that you do not consider to be sinful because you have already made a habit out of it, which could be gossiping, pride, or coveting other people’s things. My precious child, ask me to give you strength to get rid of the sinful habits you may have. The more you have been practicing sin, the less you have considered it as something wrong. I will help you identify the sinful habits you do, so that you may know what you are standing up against.


I will not forsake you when you are tempted. I will come to your aid and give you the help you need to overcome and endure. My dear one, trust me not to let you down or abandon you when you need me most. I will stand by you and with you in every struggle you get, I will be your refuge and strength at all times. When you fall, seek me to help you stand again. I will make a way out, the enemy is not allowed to drag you in, I will restrain him, so you can reach safety whenever he tries to put you down. I assure you that you have the strength to march forward and pass by the temptation which is ambushing you. Trust me to make something happen to enable you to avoid sin.

Reflect On These Words Today:

“Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.”

(Luke 11:4)

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