Today’s Devotional

"Be Patient In Tribulation, Constant In Prayer, And Rejoice In Hope..."

Stay Encouraged

You must have heard something that changed your whole day at some point, or maybe someone told you something that changed the course of your whole life. It may be just some encouraging words on a hard day or someone telling you what they have experienced in their lives. The words you have heard have been too powerful to change your outlook on life. Knowing that you have this power in your words, I urge you to use them to honor me by showing love to others and encouraging them.


You may have reached a place in your life where you thought there is no comeback, and you cannot stand again. You may have lost property, lost several kids, or even got divorced at an older age. The enemy may lie to you that it is finished for you and you do not have a chance to have a different life. What you hear at this time is so crucial, the kind of support you get really matters. Unfortunately, at this time people may have discouraged you and made you think that you are such a loser. They may tell you that you didn’t know how to take care of your home, or you were the problem, or even that you can never have kids of your own. Such discouragement may have pushed you into a corner, where you felt depressed and frustrated and that you are all alone.  You may question my will for you and wonder if truly that is how I was to let your life be.

When you sought me, and you stayed hidden in me, life may have started to change. Though I was not your first option, I was your only solution. When everyone else left, I stayed.  I am well able to change the narrative of your story and bring to shame everyone who might have thought it is over for you, so that they too may believe that I am there and there is nothing that is impossible for me.  You will thrive and I fulfill the desires of your heart. You will have that beautiful family again, you will have your children who will make your days be filled with joy and though the plan of the enemy was to break you, you will spend your days in peace, filled with joy and expectation for the new thing that I am to bring.

Though It Tarries, Wait For It.

How easy it is to lose heart and be discouraged when things go wrong. You may not want to experience it; it may be too painful. You want the problems to pass away quickly and though you are praying the situation is still not good. The constant struggle of always needing to find a way to survive is tiresome. Everyone else seems to be blessed around you, and though you do not know what else to do, you are left with the alternative of waiting on me. 


You do not want to complain so much in your moments of adversity, lest you be ashamed when I bless you. Sing praises and be grateful for the little you have and remember that times and seasons change.  I will visit you and turn your situation around. It doesn’t matter if you succeed last, or if you live a comfortable life after everyone else. This is your journey, and you do not have to be in a race with anyone else, prepare yourself to be worthy of the goodness that will be present in your life.

Reflect On These Words Today:

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

(Romans 8:18)

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