Today’s Devotional

"For I Take Great Delight In You, In My Love I Will No Longer Rebuke You..."

Know When To Slow Down.

Oil needs to be changed regularly. If the low oil pressure warning light is on, the best thing to do is turn off the engine and not drive the car until the matter is resolved. Even if the matter is inconvenient, it is better to wait until you change your oil, rather than needing a new engine. The change oil light is always the most important and first warning, if you wait until the engine starts making disturbing noises, it’s likely already too late. When the change oil light turns on, you can add more oil or find out why the level got low.


My child, I know how every moment of every day in your life seems booked with things that you have to get done. I see how your to-do list gets filled up quicker than you can get things done. You desire to take time and change your oil, by having solitude to refresh your soul, but how it rarely happens with the constant obligations to friends, work, and family, along with the constant pressure of social media and technology. You know you need to make a change and take time to grow yourself spiritually, but often these good intentions have fallen short.

Like an oil light, you will have indications in your life when you can’t push on further in the same lifestyle. Whenever you start feeling drained and worn out, seek me, my child. While all these things are important, slow down and check your priorities again. A divided mind, one torn between earth and heaven can hardly find peace because it’s chasing things in two different directions. Do not ignore the change oil light warning, because this can make you go further away from me, and have very little in common to relate with. Accept to change your oil when needed and remember it is not much you are missing out on when you focus on me.

Reset The Change Oil Light.

Changing the oil light depends remarkably on the vehicle’s model, make, and year, with most recent vehicles relying more on digital resetting. While the process might differ, the logic is similar. Oil change light resetting does not guarantee to turn off your change oil light, especially if the engine has other problems. If you cannot reset the oil change light, you can take the vehicle to a repair shop to fix the engine. 


Precious one, renewing your mind is similar to resetting an oil change light. You may be earthly-minded yet you proclaim to be in me.  You may be focusing your mind on things that are unimportant by chasing after worldly things.  I see your desire to grow spiritually, however, you will only become what you feed your mind. The renewal of your mind should start by putting into action the right work, which is spending uninterrupted time with me in prayer and taking in the right information.

My child, whoever is in me is a new creation, the old is gone and the new has come. The old is the lies you have learned, to make my word suit your situation. The one way to change this is by changing how you think. If you perform your part, I promise to fulfill mine. Like resetting an oil change light, believe that I will renew your mind, despite the fact that you don’t know how I will do it. When your mind is on me, the enemy has little room to maneuver on it. Let my word fill your mind my child and present yourself as holy and acceptable.

Reflect on These Words Today:

“Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him, and He will act.”

(Psalm 37:5)

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