Today’s Devotional

"My child, trust the process. I will offer you spiritual elevation. I will be with you on your spiritual journey and guide you till you graduate to the best level just like you graduate in higher institutions with degrees. Have the willingness to educate yourself and learn about me and my commands and you shall graduate with the greatest degree of all..."

Accept me and you shall receive the greatest degree of all

My child, I am your way and salvation; seek and accept me and the greatest degree of all shall belong to you. Be eager to learn my ways and practice my commands and I shall fulfill your heart desires. Gain knowledge on my ways, study the scripture and practice what you have learnt and you shall graduate by having achieved the kingdom of God and eternal life which is the best everlasting and eternal degree of all. 

My education on spiritual growth will guide you in this life and the next. Call out to me dear one and I shall honor your call. Believe in me and have faith as this will give you strength and hope in times you feel like I have abandoned you. I am here to see you grow and great things happen for you and for that you have to accept me, yearn and educate yourself on spiritual growth and therefore the kingdom of God and eternal life shall be your reward.

Be patient on your spiritual growth journey

Chosen one, you have been called to take on this journey so that you may experience growth in me. Cultivate patience in your spiritual growth journey. The spiritual growth process requires one to be patient as you shall be faced with many challenges and might feel like the process is taking too long. Just like you practice patience throughout the different levels of education until you get to the higher institutions and graduate with a bachelor’s degree be patient in the levels and process of spiritual growth and you shall graduate and get a degree of eternal life in me.

Eternal life is the best and the greatest degree

My child, your degree of a happy and joyous life will be your portion once you acquire eternal life. Heed to my words and teachings and that shall make your spiritual journey easier as they will provide guidance to eternal life. Practice righteousness and repent for the forgiveness of your trespasses. Put your faith in Christ as your personal savior and He will guide you on your growth spiritually.

I will give you the strength and grace to achieve a healthy spiritual life. In the process of spiritual growth, you shall acquire values that will make you more righteous and worthy of achieving the free gift of eternal life. I shall walk with you in this journey and elevate you at different spiritual development levels until you get your degree which is eternal life. Just like the reward of earthly education is a degree of qualification in the specific field of study, so is the reward for spiritual growth, spiritual education, and gaining knowledge of God which is the greatest degree of all, eternal life.

A spiritual degree requires no qualifications and does not discriminate

My child, unlike the earthly degrees where one must have certain qualifications to get into the higher institutions of learning to pursue and graduate with the bachelor’s degree, I do not discriminate in spiritual education. All of you my children are called and chosen to gain knowledge of your Lord.  All of you are given the freedom of choice and so you, my dear one, must choose to grow spiritually in me for you to overcome all the challenges and achieve eternal life. 

All of you are my children and are loved and cared for by me. I will support you on your growth and walk with you at every step of your journey. I will never leave your side. I will guide you in your journey of pursuing the spiritual and Godly degree for that is what is kept for you and that which belongs to you.

Reflect on These Words Today

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen.

(2 Peter 3:18)

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