Today’s Devotional

"Be Patient In Tribulation, And Rejoice In Hope..."

Let Patience Be Part Of You.

When you are pursuing a degree course, it doesn’t just come by easily, It is a long process. By the time you have achieved your degree certificate, you have spent sleepless nights, and you have fully committed to the mission of succeeding. Many people give up along the way of finishing their degree course because they pick up other priorities and they have very little time left for studying. A degree course takes some years to finish, and before you start reaping the fruits of the qualification you get, it may take more time. It is necessary for someone to see the bigger picture and be able to wait.

My child, sometimes it is very difficult to be patient. When you are bringing your concerns to me over and over again, you can grow tired of waiting. You have worked hard and you have hoped to see an improvement in your life, I know that you feel like your prayers are falling on deaf ears. When you are working towards something, you have relied upon yourself to do the best you can and everything else will work out, you have felt frustrated when this has not been the case.

Beloved, let go of the desire to rule your life. Like a degree student, follow the right channel to get what you want.  Let me direct you and empower you even as you wait for that which is set aside for you. Look up to me, and let me be your source of faith and assurance. Just as a degree student learns, this season of wait causes you to be persevering as you deepen your knowledge of me and rely on me more intentionally. My child, allow this season to bring you to spiritual maturity.  Glorify me when things don’t come easy sometimes, knowing that this will work your patience, and patience will give you experience, and experience will give you hope, and hope will keep you from being ashamed because then the love of God will be shed in your heart.

Accept Discipline

When you start pursuing a degree, you will notice that there is less and less supervision. The responsibility of making sure you excel is totally up to you. A degree student has to be self-motivated because there are few interactions that will keep you on track. No one monitors how you go to class or if you have submitted your assignments. Failure to do what is expected, makes a degree student fail to progress further with their classes. A lot of students end up dropping out because they cannot keep themselves in line.

My child, discipline is so necessary for every step of your life. It is hard for you to be in me if you have little self-control. The world has a lot of temptations and many of my children fall back because they cannot resist temptations enough. Like a degree student, when you follow me no one will keep supervision of you. You have to search your heart and know what is important to you. 

To live a disciplined life is to answer my call because our relationship will get closer. Lean on me whenever you are losing strength and I will help you endure. Set your eyes on the goal, it may not be a degree certificate, but it is something much more worth, the gift of eternal life and living a righteous life. My commandments are a lamp to you, and my law is light, allow my reproof of instruction to be your way of life.

Reflect on These Words Today:

“For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.”

(Romans 5:3)

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