Today’s Devotional

"Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled When You Believe In God..."

Take A Maintenance Break.

Air conditioners serve a multitude of purposes wherever they are installed.  Air conditioners are known to maintain a comfortable temperature in a room and also remove excess moisture from the air. Air conditioners also reverse the excess heat that is produced by appliances. Now, imagine when this particular appliance needs repair, which could happen due to poor maintenance. Over time, the parts of your air conditioner suffer some wear and tear, so it is best to do a regular maintenance check. You cannot possibly ignore doing some repairs because when one part fails, it affects the rest of the components and there’s a possibility of failure.


My child, I have not created you to work tirelessly carrying heavy burdens to yourself. Have you ever thought about taking a back seat and enjoying the beauty of life and just marveling at my work? My child, what you do is important, and there are many people whose lives you have touched. However, I see you working tirelessly and you exert too much pressure in your life that it’s likely to fall apart. Precious child, have I not provided for the ravens, and clothed the lilies of the field? I will always grant you your needs because I love you and working should not be what you look up to.

My child, when you fully trust in me, I will keep you at perfect peace. Your steadfast mind always stands out and that will always help you pull through tough situations. Precious child, allow yourself to rest and do not be anxious about anything. Let your heart be filled with gratitude, and during your break try to get more understanding. Like an air conditioner that has been repaired, return to do your work when you are fully rejuvenated.

Like Air Conditioner, You Need Repair.

When air conditioning is absent during a heat spell, you may have much difficulty staying in a room. You often feel the need to get a technician and if possible, you can do the air conditioning repair by yourself. If an air conditioner is important to you, you will not mind spending some money to get spare parts. It is best to be proficient to solve some air conditioning repairs inexpensively. When you use new parts on an air conditioner, you will give it more years without breakdown. Air conditioning is necessary for many homes and most people don’t find the use of it if it is not working anymore.

My child, you may feel bothered whenever I try to correct you. You have often thought I am unfair and I don’t care about you, but, if the salt loses its saltiness, then what is the use of it? You have done things that have made you drift from me, and the continuation of these actions makes me act because I never want you to get lost. 

Let my gentleness restore you to me. When you have transgressed against me, do not be quick to defend yourself, rather take your time to see where the fault is. If you confess your sins, Am I not faithful to forgive you? Precious child, my grace is abundant and it will always be sufficient to cover you.  I need you to fulfill your purpose here on earth just like air conditioning, and that is why I always follow to make sure you are on the right path. My child, I discipline those I love, but even then, I will let my love lead you. You can do all things through my strength, so when you fall, wake up and try again.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come”.

( 2 Corinthians 5:17)

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