7 Day Prayer Miracle

"Ask And You Shall Receive..."

Leave your prayer request into the prayer wall, and let your prayers be heard by the Lord, with many others.

27,502 Prayer Requests as of Today (July 27, 2024)

Aunkush kumar

Please help pray that that my mother, Reethamma Vincent will be healed and cured fully and her 2 legs are strong.

Aunkush kumar

Please help pray that that my mother, Reethamma Vincent will be healed and cured fully and her 2 legs are strong.

Violet Xavier

I\'ve got some blue-black mark on my 2 legs ankle area. Please help pray that the blue-black mark would disappear and my original skin colour appears and I will be free from pain and suffering.

Violet Xavier

Please help pray that that my mother, Reethamma Vincent will be healed from head to toe and cured fully and her 2 legs are strong.



Violet Xavier

Please help pray that that my mother, Reethamma Vincent will be healed and cured fully and her 2 legs are strong.


My family


Thank you God and Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I ask Jesus please give me guidance a sign of what I should do please help me find what I need to do if I am supposed to leave this house and my grandson please guide me help me have the strength to do it please take this depression away please help me think clearly I ask this in your Holy name Amen


Please Jesus do not let my Son kick me out, please help me. Please do not let him be angry with me please. I need you to step in please I love you I am your servant use me as you will but please don\'t let him kick me out I ask this in your Holy name Jesus Amen


Thank God for everything you do for me and my family I ask you God through your son Jesus Christ to restore my son Joey\'s love for me please restore his respect for me please put love in Cheryl Florals heart for me please help me to know what to do most importantly restore my son Joseph\'s love for me take his anger away I love him so much I please in Jesus\' holy name Amen


I love you Jesus I am so sorry for disappointing you I can\'t take this life anymore I have nothing no one I can\'t live like this it hurts so much can you forgive me please in your Holy name I plasma for help Anen


Thank you Lord Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I ask you Jesus to not let my Son Joey kick me out I tried to talk to his girlfriend and I guess I made things worse now he will be angry and kick me out if she tells him a lie please Jesus I\'m begging you to step in and stop all of this please do not let it happen like this I ask this in Jesus\' name Amen


I love you Jesus I ask please bring the love of my Son\'s Daniel and Joseph back I love them with all my heart I love my Grandson Mason he\'s my joy my life right please help him adjust to whatever girl my Son brings into this house please help my Son not need attention of a woman to feel good let him love himself protect him from deceitful girlfriends in Jesus\' name Anen


I ask you Jesus to help me my Son Joseph has hurt me again I need a job I and my own apartment for my sanity and well-being my Son is verbally abusive I gave up everything to come and help him after an accident now he doesn\'t need me it\'s toxic here I love my Son and Grandson with all my heart but I need to leave please I\'m begging you Jesus help me in your holy name Amen


Thank you Jesus for all you do for me and my family I ask you Lord Jesus to open my son Joey\'s eyes to see the hurt his relationship with Cheryl Floral is causing Mason and he is going through something he needs his Dad open Joey\'s eye\'s to see that I did not cause this turmoil that he is causing it with Cheryl Thank you Jesus please let Joey understand that Cheryl evil


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I ask you Lord Jesus in your Holy name to give Jenny Apple a miracle to heal her, from lung cancer she has two very small children 4 and 6 who need her here please give her more time with her children they need their Mother at least give her a last Christmas with them she needs a miracle from you Thank you Jesus


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I pray to u Lord Jesus in your name please help me to find a well paying job so I can get my own apartment for my own sanity my Son\'s home is not a good place for me I love him and my Grandson only the toxic environment his girlfriend Cheryl brings because she is jealous of my relationship with my Son it\'s unlivabl


Thank you Lord Jesus for everything I pray to you Jesus in your name that you step in to stop Cheryl Florals hold on my Son Joey open his eyes to her cruelness her selfishness and evil she is bringing to this family please keep Cheryl Floral from hurting Mason and me please open Joey\'s eyes so heay see her evil ways have him stop her or leave her make her leave this house


Thank you Lord Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I ask you Jesus in your name please change Cheryl Florals behavior stop her from making fun of me or Joey for caring for each other and talking please limit her daughter being here to this weekend only please open Joey\'s eyes to Cheryl\'s cruelness and evil ways let him see that she is trying to come between us


Thank you Jesus for everything I ask you Lord Jesus to protect me and my family from Cheryl Floral and her family and friends that are dealing in the dark witchcraft she is intent on coming between my son and I she is using the dark craft or she is having someone put evil intentions on me please stop her and protect us from everyone associated with her or her family friend


Thank you Lord Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I pray that Mason and I get along very well that Cheryl Floral becomes less jealous of my cooking and relationship with my Don and Grandson Mason show Cheryl jow to be an honest person from the heart show her how to be herself now so there is no surprise when her real personality comes out and let my son seeit


Thank you Lord Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I want to Thank you for my son Joseph (Joey) treating me better than he has in years showing love to me sticking up for me I love my Sons I do pray that my son Joey\'s girlfriend Cheryl would get closet to me in an honest way not fake apologize for treating me disrespectfully and starting trouble in the house


Thank you Jesus for everything you do and done for me and my family in your holy name I pray you bring me to be with my ex husband again and my son Danny to help them with their finances and to help my Son Danny deal with his ADHD and anxiety and depression I want to help my son get better I or to just comfort him to let him know I love him so much please Jesus I beg you


Thank so much Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I pray to you Lord Jesus in you precious name that we all find happiness and love, and become a more loving family I love my sisters and nephews and my Boys Danny and Joseph and Dan their father the most important thing in my life is to be a happy loving family please help us to come together live together


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for me and my family please help Dan my ex husband and our son Danny they are having a hard time financially Dan is paying for everything Danny lost his job Dan needs help and our son suffers from anxiety and depression I passed that to him please help them both help them to find what they need even if it isn\'t with me let them be happ


Thank you Lord Jesus for all you do for me and my family I know I said I wanted my Son to feel what I feel I I didn\'t mean that or anything I said that day I love my Son\'s and would die for them please forgive me for saying that in a moment of anger and despair please know that they are my heart as well ad my Grandson please protect them all three please Jesus I love you


I pray to you Lord Jesus to help me understand your direction of my life what am I here for I see so many people happy and in love am I not to find love am I not deserving of love I understand I have done things that are wrong I have that on my mind all the time I am truly sorry for what I have done my torture is in my mind always I beg your forgiveness and truly love you


I love you Jesus, why have you forsaken me, Ibam not perfect, but I love you, I always try to be a good person. I can do better I\'m sure, please do not push me away, you are all I have in this world, I need your love and your arms around me please Jesus, I pray to you give me some relief from this loneliness and heartache, please bring my Sons back to me please


Jesus I love you and have so much faith in you I pray for a good paying job a nice quiet safe place to live my family around me I always feel like I don\'t deserve any of that because I always felt I wasn\'t good enough to have that I also know you love me please bring me at least 10 years of happiness before I die I promise I will do my best to make you proud of me I love u


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I\'m begging you Jesus for help to find a Job a good paying job and apartment that\'s clean and quiet some place I feel safe please bring back my two children to me bring their love back to me I am trying to be patient and loving bring Joey\'s girlfriend Cheryl to my side make her mean ways be gone or make her leave


Financial provision for myself! A Christian lifestyle for Aunt Marie, cousin Joey, cousin Wendy, Victor Wendys husband, cousin Victoria, cousin Giani, Tommy Giani\'s husband! Thank you!!!


Be with my son, Brian and help him with his cancer, his income and his life in general. That he comes to love you dear Jesus.




Dear Mother Mary and God and Archangel Michael, I ask for help with getting the money that is owed to my mom and for us to find housing that is safe, affordable, in a great area and that we can be happy. I also ask for help in getting the money I need and owed to me.

Jay John Chandler

Dear Father God, please heal me from my adverse emotional and health related issues. I love you dearly Mother Mary in Jesus name.


Please heal my boyfriend Juan Carlos from stomach ailments and helo him to bd able to eat normsl and remove all his sufferings from colitis in Jesus precious name Amen Thank you


Please heal my boyfriend Juan Carlos from stomach ailments and helo him to bd able to eat normsl and remove all his sufferings from colitis in Jesus precious name Amen Thank you


Hopefully the good lord will intervene and Tammy won’t have to have back surgery. I hope the good lord bestows his healing blessings upon her.




I am homeless and need a home. I am in a broken marriage and need guidance in where to go in my life


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I pray to you Lord Jesus to remove cheryl lishchynsky from Joey\'s heart and remove Joey from cheryl lishchynsky heart send her back to her husband and bring a true love to my son Joseph Ramirez someone who is loving kind and sensible someone mature without drama or addiction problems I pray to you Lord Jedus Amen


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I pray with all my heart to you Jesus that if being with Cheryl Floral is the best for Mason and Joey then let it be Please let the best happen for Mason and Joey Please Please help me do not let Joey be angry with me today or ever again until I move open his heart to me his Mother and let him love me and honor me


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I pray to you Jesus that I may find a good paying job and a nice quiet and clean apartment I can afford before Thanksgiving I pray that the best happens for all of us Mason, Joey, Cheryl and myself if she is going to be an honest and loving person for Joey and MASON and myself then let her stay if not take her away


Please pray for me for wisdom busy restoring a church




Thank you Jesus for all you do for me and my family I pray that you bring back my Son Danny for my Birthday in Jesus\'Name and I pray I find a good paying job fast and I nice apartment fast I love my son\'s and and I need them in my life as well as my friend Lilly I ask this in Jesus\'Name Amen also please help the people in Maui In Jesus\'Name Amen


Thank you Jesus for all you do for me and my family I pray to you Jesus in your name please bring my Sons back to loving me Please give Joey an open and loving heart toward me please do not let Cheryl Floral come between Joey and myself please let Joey understand how I feel and bring him back to me for my Birthday in Jesus\' name Amen


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I pray to you Jesus that I find a good paying job fast and a nice apartment so I do not have to stay with my Son Joey and his girlfriend I am being abused here I need your help Jesus please I am 60 years old I don\'t want to live anymore please help me please I have nothing I want to be away from the abuse Amen


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for me and my family. I pray to you Jesus please help me find a Job a good paying Job and a nice apartment so I can live in peace I pray that I find a Job this week and find a nice apartment away from my Son Joey I pray my Grandson stays with his Mom and does not come back to live here with Joey he will only get his heart broken Amen


Thank you Jesus for everything you do for me and my family I pray to you Jesus that I get a very good paying Job and get a very nice apartment on a nice safe neighborhood for myself by October or at least mid October I need to be on my own so I don\'t argue with Joey anymore please help my relationship with Joey grow into a loving Mother Son relationship

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May you be blessed with the miracles you seek.

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